Taro task force looking for members
The Taro Security and Purity Task Force is seeking applicants to fill seats for Kauai and Hawaii islands representatives.
The task force includes two farmers each from Kauai, Oahu, Maui, Molokai and Hawaii and one from Lanai. There are also representatives from the Office of Hawaiian Affairs, the state Department of Land and Natural Resources, the state Department of Agriculture, the University of Hawaii, the Hawaii Farm Bureau Federation, Onipa‘a Na Hui Kalo, a statewide organization of taro farmers, and other stakeholders.
Submit applications by April 20 to the Taro Security and Purity Task Force c/o E kupaku ka ‘aina, 224 Ainahou Place, Wailuku, HI 96793 or by email to ekupaku@gmail.com. For more information, contact Hi‘ilani Shibata 808-371-0452 or tarotaskforceHI@gmail.com.