Corrections and Clarifications
The Honolulu Star-Advertiser strives to make its news report fair and accurate. If you have a question or comment about news coverage, call Ed Lynch, managing editor/news, at 529-4758.
» Arlene Lum served as a reporter and publisher for the Honolulu Star-Bulletin. A Page D1 article Monday only noted her reporter position.
» M.R.C. Greenwood is president of the University of Hawaii. A Page B5 article Monday referred to her as former UH-Manoa chancellor.
» Despite prison reform recently signed into law, the Hawaii Paroling Authority could continue in limited circumstances to allow an inmate to "max out" — serve the entire sentence behind bars — then be released without supervision. A Page A10 editorial Monday stated that all inmates would be required to be placed on supervised parole. Also, $3.5 million would go to community-based programs, risk assessment and related oversight aspects in the new law’s first year; subsequently, that would be $7 million annually. The editorial did not clearly defined the amounts.