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The state agency regulating development in Kakaako has scheduled two additional public comment sessions on two condominium towers planned for Ward Centers.
The Hawaii Community Development Authority added sessions on Aug. 3 at 10 a.m. and Aug. 13 at 5:30 p.m. to be held at HCDA’s offices at 461 Cooke St. The HCDA board will not attend the comment session, but comments will be recorded and made available to agency board members for consideration.

Plans for two proposed towers at Ward Centers — one on the site of Pier 1 Imports and one on a parking lot makai of Ward’s theater complex — were initially presented July 17 at an HCDA public hearing.
The developer, Ward Centers owner Howard Hughes Corp., is seeking to deviate from some rules for the two projects.
A 177-unit luxury tower makai of the theaters is proposed to be built 30 feet from Kamakee Street, a view corridor requiring a 75-foot setback. The tower’s parking garage is proposed to be 65 feet high, with a small part up to 77 feet. HCDA rules limit garages to 65 feet.
The biggest rule deviation sought for the other tower, which would have 318 units, is building its parking garage 75 feet high.
A decision and public hearing with the board in attendance is scheduled for Aug. 21 at 9 a.m., also at the HCDA office on Cooke Street.
Comment sessions serve as an opportunity for the public to ask HCDA staff about other agency initiatives, including its draft transit-oriented development plan that proposes raising the building height limit to 550 from 400 feet and also would allow three 700-foot towers.
HCDA began holding the comment sessions earlier this year for tower permit applications after receiving criticism that two public hearings on weekday mornings for each project, which has been the usual practice, didn’t give the public enough opportunity to provide input.