Sometimes 13 is a good number
We’re No. 13!
And that is, indeed, news to celebrate.
A Washington, D.C.-based nonprofit that researches road conditions across the country reports that the condition of Honolulu’s streets has improved, relative to other cities our size.
In 2008, 62 percent of Honolulu’s major streets were in poor condition — the third-highest percentage in the country — but by 2011 those figures had fallen to 43 percent and 13th, respectively.
Although 2013 figures aren’t available yet from the research firm TRIP, it’s likely that Honolulu’s standing should continue to improve, given the city’s campaign to repave 1,500 lane-miles within five years.
Rocky Raccoon had a copy, too
The Gideons International — the evangelical organization best known for its placement of Bibles in hotel rooms — has been out in force, making what one member called a one-week "blitz" outside public schools.
Underscore the word "outside." On Thursday they were positioned on the sidewalk outside the property fence at every entrance into the Castle High School campus, handing out pocket Bibles to anyone who happened by. It was one of a series of public high schools visited around Oahu this week, they said.
They were clearly aware of the limitations of the church-state-separation principle and showed a letter from an attorney’s office to passersby who asked. As long as they’re off school property, they seem to be within their First Amendment rights.
The school security guard was grilling them, though. It’s a boundary they probably don’t want to press too hard.