The film series "Two Koreas, Shattered Lives," presented by the Center for Korean Studies at the University of Hawaii at Manoa, continues through Nov. 19.
The center’s series explores the effects the division of Korea has on people. Films are shown every Tuesday at 6:30 p.m. in Korean with English subtitles.
Movies remaining in the series are "Dear Pyongyang" on Oct. 15, "Over the Border" on Nov. 5 and "The Journals of Musan" on Nov. 19. Screenings are free and open to the public. For more information, contact the center at 956-7041.
"Wonderful Mama"
Episodes 37 and 38
Today, 6:30 p.m.: Although Bok-hee is apprehensive about the DNA test results, she still has high hopes that Dr. Hong is Min-soo. However, Un-ok uses her influence to interfere once again. There is a big misunderstanding about Bok-hee giving Hoon-nam and Young-chae an apartment to live in after they marry. Young-chae is angry with her mother for her lack of help, but Hoon-nam manages to talk some sense into her.
Today, 7:45 p.m.: When they find out that Dr. Hong isn’t Min-soo, Dr. Hong still has doubts. He finds out that he had no brother who died in a fire. He takes this information to Beom-suh. So if Min-soo was adopted by one of Nara Fashion’s owners and he isn’t Min-soo, then Min-soo must be Hoon-nam. Bok-hee gets the news while at a lunch with her future in-laws. Dr. Hong manages to get Hoon-nam’s DNA sample, and now they await the results. For the first time, Bok-hee prays that she doesn’t find Min-soo.
"Empire of Gold"
Episodes 21 and 22
Monday, 7:45 p.m.: Tae-joo prepares to hold a general shareholders meeting to take over Sung-jin group, but he is met by strong opposition from the executives. Seo-yoon and Won-jae are afraid they would lose Sung-jin group to Tae-joo, but Min-jae shows them a way to beat Tae-joo.
Tuesday, 7:45 p.m.: Seo-yoon starts a redevelopment business to trap Tae-joo, and Tae-joo takes the bait. Tae-joo goes through a serious financial crisis for his new business and is also faced with angry tenants of the redevelopment area.
"Master’s Sun"
Episodes 7 and 8
Wednesday, 7:45 p.m.: Joong-won finds himself jealous and angry when he thinks Gong-sil is on a date. A possessed doll torments Seung-joon. Gong-sil acts as Joong-won’s secretary when Mr. Kim is out with a cold.
Thursday, 7:45 p.m.: Kang Woo thinks Gong-sil is related to Cha Hee-ju somehow and relays it to Joong-won’s father. Joong-won uses Gong-sil to solve a mysterious case of ghost in Kingdom Hotel’s pool.
"Goddess of Marriage"
Episodes 21 and 22
Friday, 7:45 p.m.: Hye-jung goes to see Sang-hoon, her ex-boyfriend, and accuses him of threatening her with their old pictures. Sang-hoon denies he had anything to do with them, but he has a hunch who it is. Ji-hye gets into trouble for coming home drunk and sleeping in late.
Saturday, 7:45 p.m: Pictures of Hye-jung and Sang-hoon go viral on the Internet. Jung-sook is furious and lashes out at Hye-jung. Seung-soo follows Jang-woo and finds Eun-hee in her office.
Jeff Chung is general manager of KBFD TV, which televises Korean dramas with English subtitles. Reach him at 521-8066 or