Adventure land

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Jesse Cabella in the front garden of his Whitmore Village home, which features pagodas.

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Jesse Cabella creates small landscape dioramas using tillandsia and chinese pottery pieces of people.

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Detail of a Desert Rose bloom in the Cabella's front garden.

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Jesse Cabella used the trunk of an old Christmas tree as a stand for his tillandsia to grow.

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Japanese statuary of pagodas and gazing balls are featured in the Cabella's front garden.

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The Cabella's front garden has a "river rock" feature with bridges crossing over it.

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Jesse Cabella and his son Jason in the front garden of his Whitmore Village home.

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Jesse Cabella welded the mailbox stand and painted the hummingbirds in front of his Whitmore Village home.

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A patch of sweet potato in the Cabella back garden.

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Detail of a small basket of tillandsia in the Cabella garden.

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