Walmart will soon spell "relief" for downtown pedestrians as they wander along the Fort Street Mall, far removed from the sight of a bench on which to sit or a toilet to use.
For years, those of us who work, visit and walk that listless pedestrian mall have known one of Paradise’s dirty little secrets: There are no bathrooms available for the public anywhere near the Fort Street Mall.
Sure we have a nearby Satellite City Hall right across the street from the new Walmart location, but there is no toilet at that public facility.
Actually there were two public toilets there a few years ago, but our city leaders closed up one and turned the other into a "storage room."
And it is true that for many years, our lei-clad City Council members have strutted around this area telling us of their importance, but not one of them apparently ever asked the University of Hawaii’s many young architecture students to help design a cheap toilet facility renovation for that City Hall location.
So despite there being toilets previously at that location, and some open space outside the entrance to the City Hall with plenty of running water (check out the imitation waterfall), there currently is no public toilet available for little kids, tourists from nearby cruise ships or the many grannies who challenge their intestinal fortitude by coming downtown for a visit.
Which brings me to my twice-weekly routine skirting past pools of urine on Bishop Street early in the morning while on my way to the local gym, which is next to the Fort Street Mall. As long as one keeps eyes focused on the ground while walking in the dim, it is not that bad. Besides, looking down helps prevent tripping over the homeless folks who sleep on that sidewalk every night.
And that is why I am excited about the new downtown Walmart. Thanks to those good folks, all of us will have access to a nice new toilet right next to the Fort Street Mall. I suspect Walmart officials will be surprised how much us "townies" have looked forward to their grand opening.
Walmart, welcome to Paradise. Your new store will be a real relief.
P.S. Maybe the Walmart folks can call up our city officials and ask them to reopen toilets at the King Street Satellite City Hall, which is only 50 feet from the new store’s entrance.