Drivers just have to cope with badly timed signals
QUESTION: I called the city and reported that since street resurfacing was done, the signals on Meheula Parkway are not working as before. Left turns go on even if no cars are turning, lights change even if there are no cars waiting. Cars are waiting so long for the green light that it’s frustrating getting in and out of Mililani Town Center. The problem was reported more than a month ago and nothing has been done. Can you help?
ANSWER: We frequently receive complaints about the timing of traffic lights being thrown off after a road repair project.
Unfortunately, motorists have to live with the out-ofsync system until a project is completed.
Traffic signal loop detectors were removed during the reconstruction of Meheula Parkway, explained Mark Yonamine, deputy director of the Department of Design and Construction.
That put the traffic signals on a set sequence of light timing.
“This is standard for roadway repaving and one of the inconveniences during construction,” Yonamine said.
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Once the paving and restriping are completed, the traffic signal loop detectors will be restored.
“We ask the public for their patience and understanding,” Yonamine said.
QUESTION: May I, legally, ship fresh pineapple to Japan? If yes, what are the procedures?
ANSWER: The U.S. Department of Agriculture’s Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service has jurisdiction over this kind of shipment.
If the fruit is being shipped from Hawaii, a certificate issued from Hawaii will need to accompany the shipment, said Carol Russell, the APHIS state operations support officer for in Hawaii.
“This certificate verifies the shipment has been inspected and is free from harmful pests and plant diseases,” she said.
For more information, you are directed to contact the USDA by calling 834-3240.
Meanwhile, travelers are allowed to take fresh pineapple, for consumption, from Hawaii into Japan, provided the pineapples are carried by the travelers, Russell said.
The pineapples will be inspected upon arrival in Japan and fruit that passes inspection will be released to the passenger, she said.
This is a requirement set by Japan and is only for travelers wishing to carry fruit with them.
To an angel. Back in July, we went to Denny’s Restaurant in Kaneohe for dinner. After playing two rounds at the Claw machine without any luck, I enjoyed my dinner. Our bill came folded up with cash and the waitress, Raquel, said, “It’s been paid for.” A note on the bill said, “Hope you enjoyed your dinner. Sincerely, a fellow mom. This $1 is because your little girl was so polite she should have another go on the machine.” I did try the machine again with my lucky $1. I did not win but will find a special birthday present with the rest of the cash and will always remember my special angel with lots of gratitude and appreciation. We read of all the kindness that goes around but never thought it would happen to us and we will be sure to pass on the generosity. We thank you from our hearts. — Kir yn Ronne and Grandma Robyn
To an unbelievably arrogant and self-centered man. We were trying to get into the drive-thru line at the Beretania Street McDonald’s recently. The line of cars was backed up on Beretania because a ratty SUV was parked illegally in front of a mailbox with its flashers on and nobody in it. We all had to drive around it, which put my car right on top of the crosswalk. We weren’t aware of this man coming across the street from Burger King with an ice cream cone until he pounded on the passenger window, terrifying us. He was angry that we were blocking the sidewalk. But guess what? He got in the illegally parked car, which was behind us. My husband just had surgery the day before and has had three heart attacks in the past year so it is a wonder we lived though this. — Scared to Death