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Warehouse worker takes third of $1.6 billion Powerball pot

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People stopped at Naifeh’s supermarket in Munford, Tenn., Thursday, where one of three winning tickets in the record Powerball jackpot was sold.

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Rebecca Hargrove, second from right, president and CEO of the Tennessee Lottery, presented a ceremonial check to John Robinson, right; his wife, Lisa, second from left; and their daughter, Tiffany, left; after the Robinson’s winning Powerball ticket was authenticated at the Tennessee Lottery headquarters today, in Nashville, Tenn. The ticket was one of three winning tickets in the $1.6 billion jackpot drawing.

NASHVILLE, Tenn. » A small-town warehouse supervisor turned in one of three tickets splitting the world-record $1.6 billion Powerball jackpot today, and swiftly announced that he would take his money now, giving up hundreds of millions of dollars in the future.

But John Robinson and his wife, Lisa, said they won’t stop working and won’t make any wild purchases. They’ll pay off their mortgage and their daughter’s student loans, but have no desire to move from their small, gray, one-story house into a luxurious compound somewhere.

“I’ve never wanted that in the past. I don’t really want that now,” said Lisa Robinson, who works in a dermatologist’s office.

“Big houses are nice,” her husband said, “But also you gotta clean ‘em.”

Robinson said he reached out to his brother for help finding lawyers and financial planners before deciding to take the winnings in a single lump sum of nearly $328 million, rather than let the lottery invest the prize and pay him 30 annual installments totaling an estimated $533 million.

Why pass up on a certain income totaling more than $200 million?

“We’re going to take the lump sum, because we’re not guaranteed tomorrow,” Robinson said. “We just wanted a little piece of the pie. Now we’re real grateful we got the big piece of the pie.”

No one has produced the other winning tickets, which overcame odds of 1 in 292.2 million to land on all six numbers at a Publix supermarket in Melbourne Beach, Florida, and a 7-Eleven in Chino Hills, California.

In California, any winnings not claimed within a year automatically go to the state’s schools. Florida gives winners six months to come forward before transferring 80 percent of unclaimed prizes to an educational trust fund, and 20 percent into a pool for future lottery prizes.

The Robinsons said they have no plans to leave Munford, the town of about 6,000 north of Memphis where they both went to high school.

And both plan to return to work on Monday, because “that’s what we’ve done all our lives, is work,” Robinson said.

“You just can’t sit down and lay down and not do nothing anymore. How long are you going to last?” he asked.

Tennessee Lottery executive Rebecca Hargrove said the couple would get a “small check today for a few million,” and collect the full lump sum in about 10 business days.

Robinson said earlier Friday that they would help certain friends, give to the St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital in Memphis, and donate to their church.

“I’m a firm believer in tithing to my church,” Robinson said in an appearance on NBC’s “Today” show.

The couple has a son, Adam, who works as an electrician, and a daughter, Tiffany, who lives nearby in her late grandparents’ home.

Tiffany said she also wants a horse.

“My first thought was, I’ve always wanted a horse,” she said. “I get a horse now. My dad always said, “When I win the lottery.’”

Robinson carried the precious slip of paper to New York City and back before showing up at Tennessee’s lottery headquarters. Their lawyer went with the family, as did their rescue dog, Abby, who snoozed through most of the excitement.

Lawyers who have represented other winners advise against going public until they have made plans with experts in tax law, financial planning, privacy, security and other safeguards to protect themselves and their winnings.

The Robinsons did ask for privacy on Friday.

Their neighbor Mary Sue Smith told The AP that Lisa Robinson asked her to put “No Trespassing” signs on their lawn while they were away.

“Who will be coming out of the woodwork?” said Mary Sue Smith. “Everybody you knew in high school and elementary … You know what happens.”

Her husband, Roy Smith, called them “fine people,” dependable and hard-working.

“It could not have happened to better people,” Roy Smith said. “He’s a civic-minded person, and he probably will remember the town.”

Munford’s mayor, Dwayne Cole, had wished openly Thursday for an investment in the town, whose annual budget is $3.67 million. He said Munford’s needs include fire department equipment, an indoor athletic facility for local schools and a community gymnasium.

On Friday, Cole told the AP that they are not the kind to squander their money.

“They’re small town people who appreciate community, appreciate family values. They appreciate hard work. They are responsible. They’ve always lived within their means,” said Cole, who owns an auto parts store in town.

“They have to understand, though, this is a big deal. This is not just a big deal for Munford. This is a big deal nationwide and worldwide. They understand that, I think. I hope they do,” Cole added. “I believe they can deal with it. It may be totally overwhelming.”

Robinson said he bought the winning ticket at his wife’s request at the family-owned Naifeh’s grocery on his way home from work Wednesday night, then went to sleep. His wife stayed up to watch the drawing, and started “hollering and screaming through the hallway saying, ‘You need to check these numbers. You need to check these numbers,’” he said.

He did, four times, then thought: “Well, I’ll believe it when the news comes on in the morning.”


This version corrects Robinson’s job to warehouse supervisor, not information technology. Munford’s annual budget to $3.67 million, not $3.57 million. Sainz reported from Munford.

36 responses to “Warehouse worker takes third of $1.6 billion Powerball pot”

  1. paniolo says:

    Good for them. They are set for life. At least the state of Tennessee gets a huge chunk of that for taxes. Hawaii gets $000. Taxes comes out of of Hawaii’s residents pockets. Yet, politicians can’t raise enough taxes to pay for education, social services, etc. How come?

  2. mikethenovice says:

    You know it’s a mistake when the media says that the lottery winner is from Hawaii.

    • localguy says:

      Not at all. Anyone from Hawaii on vacation in the mainland can play. Or they can have mainland relatives buy them tickets.

      The only mistake is believing someone from Hawaii can’t win the lottery.

      • paniolo says:

        People from Hawaii can win any amount without a lottery, but, still have to pay Hawaii taxes. How you figgah? All the other states with a lottery getting millions, but, our politicians keep wondering “How come we no more money for this, no more money for that? What can we do to fill our coffers?” Bzzzt…you folks don’t have ANY answers. ANY amount from a lottery here is better than NOTHING.

      • cholo says:

        cholo wouldn’t trust anyone buying him tickets. mo bettah fly up himself and buy his own tickets!

  3. iwanaknow says:

    maybe they will buy property in Hawaii?

  4. leoscott says:

    So if Hawaii were to have the lottery how much tax would the state collect? Wouldn’t it be only a portion of the amount in which people bought lottery tickets within the state? And also if someone actually win the lottery that resides in the state. So instead of using the money to buy lottery tickets, Hawaii residents can put the money into the state in other ways.

  5. 2liveque says:

    Get out of dodge my friend. Your simple life just became very dangerous. In this day and age more than ever.

  6. 808kela says:

    That’s a feel good story.. Congrats!!!

    • cojef says:

      Shared winnings 3 ways a positive way to divvy up the over billion dollars. An individual cannot spend all that money, thus the family will donate much to town needs.

  7. st1d says:

    “Both plan to return to work on Monday.”

    no. too easy for a work site complaint to grow into a full court defense of your winnings.

    leave work. keep busy. travel to avoid loving relatives knocking on your door.

  8. Eradication says:

    There’s nothing in the state law that says Hawaii residents can not buy lottery tickets. Residents can buy them while on the mainland or purchase them online as long as they are not purchased from a business in Hawaii.

  9. motoxdad says:

    Ayyyyyy…. aunty Lisa, remembah me.

  10. RetiredWorking says:

    Hooray! I’m glad for John and Lisa. They seem like grounded, responsible human beings. Their church and community will benefit from their generosity.

    • mikethenovice says:

      Yahoo has many comments about how this lottery winner is a loser because they both want to still work. What rights do we have in dictating another person’s life?

  11. mikethenovice says:

    Doesn’t matter if he was not in information technology. I don’t even know what that is, anyway.

    • RetiredWorking says:

      I’d return to work. Besides other assignments, I have this perennial project (like tending “the Dead Man’s plant)I’ve been assigned to do for 11 years. When it’s due every few years, I MUST be ready. It’s like scanning every page of every book in the library. Extremely labor-intensive, but surprisingly very satisfying.

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