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Trump’s unfavorable rating reaches historic high


Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump talks to supporters as he leaves at a campaign stop on Wednesday in Appleton, Wis.

WASHINGTON » For months, as Donald Trump lurched from controversy to controversy, commentators marveled that his voters remained loyal: Trump is impervious to political attack, some said.

Not so. Trump wasn’t immune; analysts were just failing to look at the whole board.

While Trump’s polarizing campaign did not dent his standing with core supporters in the Republican primaries, it took a punishing toll on how the rest of the electorate views him. Trump’s image, which was poor even before he ran for president, has plunged to an unequaled low. Among scores of major political figures measured in polls over the last 30 years, Trump’s numbers are the worst.

If Trump were to win the GOP presidential nomination with his current public image, he would be the most unpopular nominee in the history of U.S. opinion surveys, veteran Democratic pollster Peter Hart said in an email.

“By a lot,” he added.

The share of Americans with an unfavorable view of Trump is extraordinary: 68 percent in the most recent Bloomberg poll, 67 percent in the CNN/ORC survey, 67 percent in the ABC/Washington Post poll, 65 percent from Gallup. The 57 percent unfavorable rating he received in the most recent CBS/New York Times survey looks mild by comparison.

Comparable numbers are difficult to find, particularly over a sustained period. Even during the worst of the Vietnam War, for example, only 38 percent of Americans in Gallup polls gave an unfavorable rating to then-President Lyndon B. Johnson, although all public figures and institutions received more favorable rankings in that era.

More recently, former Vice President Dick Cheney hit a 60 percent unfavorable rating during the closing years of the George W. Bush administration. Bill Clinton’s topped 50 percent during the crisis over his affair with a White House intern. Newt Gingrich’s unpopularity exceeded 60 percent for a short time during his unsuccessful run for the Republican presidential nomination in 2012. George H.W. Bush’s unfavorable level also hit 60 percent when he went down to defeat in his re-election effort in 1992.

None of them were as broadly unpopular as Trump is.

One who was? Richard Nixon. In 1975, a year after his resignation during the Watergate scandal, Gallup found that 71 percent of Americans gave Nixon an unfavorable rating. The company did not ask about Nixon’s favorability during the year he resigned.

Trump, who famously likes to brag about his standing in polls, focuses on surveys that measure him in the GOP race. But only about 4 in 10 Americans currently identify as Republicans. As Trump’s standing demonstrates, a politician can have a solid hold on a large chunk of one party and still be terribly unpopular with the rest.

That deep aversion to Trump poses an enormous potential problem for the GOP, his opponents within the party warn.

Already, the share of American voters who identify themselves as Democrats has started to tick upward, Gallup reported today, hitting 46 percent, the level measured after President Barack Obama’s re-election. The share identifying themselves as Republicans has dropped to 40 percent. As recently as October, the two parties were tied at 42 percent each. Obama’s job approval rating has also risen in numerous surveys. Pollsters say his rise could reflect voters comparing him with the potential Republican replacements.

To win the November election, a Republican nominee either will need to carry about 30 percent of minority voters, almost twice the level Mitt Romney received in 2012, or get even more white voters than the two-thirds Ronald Reagan carried in his re-election landslide in 1984, cautioned Republican pollster Whit Ayres, who advised Florida Sen. Marco Rubio’s unsuccessful presidential campaign.

“Donald Trump has almost no chance of doing either one,” he said. With Trump’s deep unpopularity among black and Latino voters, “he’s going backward” among minorities, Ayres added. As for white voters, Trump would have great difficulty coming anywhere close to Reagan’s level because of his unpopularity with women, he said.

Indeed, it’s negative feelings about Trump among women that account for a large share of his unpopularity, numerous polls show.

Women account for Trump’s worsening standing on the question of whether he’s suited to be president. A newly released survey by the nonpartisan Pew Research Center found that 44 percent of voters said Trump would make a “terrible” president, an answer cited by more women since the organization last asked in January. Another 15 percent of voters said he would be a “poor” president. Of the five current candidates in the Republican and Democratic fields, he was the only one rated “terrible” or “poor” by a majority.

Gallup found that Republican men tend to view Trump favorably, 61 percent positive to 36 percent negative. But among Republican women, the verdict is almost even — 49 percent positive, 46 percent negative. Democrats of both genders view him negatively, as do independents, although with women still slightly more negative than men.

Overall, that leads to a very large gender gap. Among all women, 70 percent have a negative view of Trump, while among men, 58 percent do. On the flip side, 23 percent of women and 36 percent of men view Trump positively, Gallup found.

If Trump wins the GOP nomination, a key question will be whether he can do anything to change those impressions. Trump’s backers argue that as a salesman and dealmaker, he can change his approach enough to win over many of those who dislike him.

Many examples certainly exist of public figures who have succeeded in improving damaged reputations. Hillary Clinton, the Democrat who most likely would face Trump if he wins his party’s nomination, has seen her image cycle up and down, although even at her low point, she has never approached Trump’s level of unpopularity.

Usually, however, political candidates’ images get worse, not better, during a campaign.

Democratic strategists are counting on that.

In a briefing Friday for reporters, Democratic pollster Stan Greenberg presented new data showing that while Trump would do better than Romney did among blue-collar white men, those gains would be exactly offset by his losses among blue-collar white women. The survey showed Trump doing far worse than Romney did among college-educated white men and suburbanites, constituencies Republicans need to carry to win an election.

More broadly, the poll showed that the Republican brand has been badly damaged, Greenberg said. Democratic constituencies have grown more engaged in the election, and the share of voters who say they plan to vote for a Democrat for Congress has jumped upward, the polling indicated.

All told, Greenberg said, Trump has helped create conditions for an outcome many Republican strategists fear, a Democratic victory that would sweep aside the GOP majority in the House and the Senate. The country, he said, could be in for an “earthquake election.”


©2016 Tribune Co.

16 responses to “Trump’s unfavorable rating reaches historic high”

  1. klastri says:

    Mr. Trump could run every four years until he is dead, and he will never win the presidency. Never. There aren’t enough imbeciles.

    • aomohoa says:

      We can only hope you are right!

    • MoiLee says:

      I wanna be a Billionaire imbecile!!Ha!ha!ha! Stay tuned Klas,it’s not over till the fat lady sings! I can hear you guys now, should The Donald become the next POTUS!!It will be soooooooooo funny! btw Libertarian debates today on Fox are you in??

  2. TigerEye says:

    Maybe it’s just me, but that headline makes it look as though Trump has reached his least unfavorable point.

    • jussayin says:

      LOL; the headline does read the opposite. On the side, the bigger picture is that many are disgusted with the politicians on the hill. HC will likely win but it’s not because folks really like her. She’s obviously part of the political ‘machine’.

    • DownSpout says:

      It’s not just you. The headline should read, “Trump’s unfavorable rating reaches historic HIGH.” It’s his FAVORABLE, not UNFAVORABLE, rating that is so LOW.

      • saywhatyouthink says:

        Yea, the people who publish this paper aren’t very good at what they do. It’s a good thing for them they have no competition. The honolulu advertiser before the merger was way better in almost every way.

    • bumbye says:

      That’s what I thought. It should be a historic high. But how can it be historic if Nixon was higher, at 71%?

  3. saywhatyouthink says:

    If nothing else, this election season has been the most entertaining one I can remember in my lifetime. Trump is a loose cannon, you just never know what he’ll say next. Just when you think it can’t possibly get any worse, he drops another bomb regarding some controversial issue like abortion or nuclear proliferation. Seems like the only chance he has is if HC gets indicted for improper handling of classified information. I doubt Obama will allow that, he knows the GOP is in self-destruct mode.

  4. iwanaknow says:

    I was going to vote for Trump……..changed my mind.

  5. 808ikea says:

    I’ve come to the conclusion that Trump can’t help himself. If he is challenged on any issue or position he will try to bully his way through no matter how stupid it sounds. And as President of the United States that can be extremely dangerous. I believe the turning point has come where his supports no longer see him as Presidential material.

  6. keaukaha says:

    If you are a true Republican my condolences to you. The party is so broken that it is not funny. Talk is that that the convention will be a brokered one. If that happens the truth will be out that a bunch of crooks will continue to do whatever they need to do have their will be done. At this point America is in a very bad place.

  7. kekelaward says:

    But he still gets those darn votes.

    Remember, these are the same people who told us that zero was the smartest man on the planet.

  8. bsdetection says:

    Trump’s recent troubles are largely the result of his having committed a Kinsley gaffe (“when a politician tells the truth – some obvious truth he isn’t supposed to say”) when he exposed the logical flaw at the heart of the anti-choice movement. Trump started with anti-choice orthodoxy by stating that abortion is murder and then followed that with a logical conclusion — that the woman should be punished, but, as Robert Jeffress, Dallas pastor and Trump supporter said, “You never blame the woman, you paint her as a victim. That conservative orthodoxy has been born out of political expediency rather than logic.” Isn’t the victim of murder usually the one who has died? So Donald thinks that a woman can be the surviving victim of a murder. More disturbing is that Trump was completely unprepared and hadn’t thought out an answer to a question about abortion. Think about that. He’s a Republican candidate for President and he’s not prepared to answer a question about one of their signature issues. Never mind that he revised his answer at least three times in the next two days and still can’t put together two consecutive, coherent sentences about abortion. He even claimed that Chris Matthews’ question was a “long, convoluted question…it was extremely convoluted” and went further to claim, falsely, that the full question was edited out of the broadcast. Proof, as if any is needed, that he is woefully unprepared to be running for President.

    • MoiLee says:

      Hey,BS Here’s a let’s “Make America Great Again” for you!! You gotta love the guy!Admit it! An Outsider/Non politician,funding his own campaign.Refusing a presidential salary!No Special Pacts obligations! His messages? Are resonating through out the country!! Bringing up REAL important issues others are afraid to bring up…. Everybody on the Left,The Right,The Media and everybody in between are against The Donald! Yep! I Love the Under Dog! IMUA

      • bsdetection says:

        Trump is a 24/7 firehose of bigotry and misogyny. If he’s saying what you and others are “afraid to bring up,” then you have very clearly identified what you are.

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