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John P. Roco (R)

Full Name: John P. Roco

Name on Ballot: John P. Roco

Age: 50

Political Party: Republican

Running For: U.S. Senate

Email Address: Johnroco@Gmail.com

Current Job: Counselor, pianist (self-employed)

Place of birth: USA

Campaign website: Johnroco.wix.com/senate

Job history past 10 years:

Counselor in private practice since 2010

Ever run for public office? If so, when? Outcome? 

U.S. Senate Hawaii primaries with Cam Cavasso winner

Other civic experience or community service?

Founder, St. Damien Advocates

What makes you qualified to be a U.S. senator?

Critical judgment, timing, and practice guided by research are the keys to counseling. Counselors listen to people, instead of acting elite and passing legislation while ignoring the voices of people from Hawaii.

Do you support the use of United States combat troops in Syria to defeat ISIS, or to end the rule of President Bashar al-Assad?

Combat troops should be used to protect the U.S., and defeat threats to our people and to our soil.

Do you support the continued use of U.S. troops in Iraq, or should those troops be withdrawn?

Instead of an aloof program of ‘JV team’ assumptions, experts of our defense and military, instead of being ignored, should be met, consulted, and fully involved in executing viable strength to prevent growth of radical Islam, defeating threat.

Do you support the continued use of U.S. troops in Afghanistan, or should those troops be withdrawn?

There are defense military experts who had been long ignored until it was too late, ISIS grew enlarged, and ISIS influenced bombings and killing happened in Paris, San Bernardino. Pulse Nightclub, and Nice, France. This ‘nice world’ naivete has resulted in a dangerous world. Consult our experts, don’t ignore.

Should the United States recognize a Native Hawaiian government through an administrative rule or an act of Congress?

Statewide is the viable solution; energy placed into federal issues could instead be devoted to address needs within the state, creating solutions unviable in federal arenas.

What changes should be made to the federal Affordable Care Act?

It was passed with a great lie: “if you like your health care plan, you can keep it.” I would ensure that no more lies can be marketed to the American people by the federal government. Health care impacts people too greatly to put a ruse over them. Truth is important.

Should the federal government legalize marijuana? No.

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