Post-debate poll shows millennials turn toward Clinton
Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton looks out to the audience during a campaign stop in Des Moines, Iowa today.
WASHINGTON » Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton received a boost among voters under 30 in key battleground states in a poll conducted after Monday’s first presidential debate.
A poll released today by Public Policy Polling shows Clinton with a large lead among voters under 30 — a group she has struggled with — in Colorado, Florida, North Carolina, Pennsylvania and Virginia.
In all five states, she has at least a 19-point lead with younger voters in the race with Republican Donald Trump.
Colorado: Clinton 50, Trump 27, Libertarian Party candidate Gary Johnson 15 percent, Green Party candidate Jill Stein 2 percent.
Florida: Clinton 54, Trump 28, Johnson 4, Stein 4.
North Carolina: Clinton 46, Trump 27, Johnson 19.
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Pennsylvania: Clinton 45, Trump 22, Johnson 11, Stein 4.
Virginia: Clinton 44, Johnson 24, Trump 21, Stein 2.
The poll also showed those voters saw Clinton as the clear winner of Monday’s debate with Trump.
Younger voters overwhelmingly supported Clinton’s primary challenger Sen. Bernie Sanders, and she has struggled to sway them after Sanders dropped out of the race and endorsed her.
Sanders has campaigned for Clinton since the Democratic convention, most recently at the University of New Hampshire on Wednesday.
House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi on Tuesday said millennial interest in Johnson’s Libertarian campaign is keeping the race between Clinton and Trump close.
Pelosi, D-Calif., added that Clinton “is going to have to make her own case to them as well, because you can only transfer so much.”
Overall, Clinton has solid leads of 5 to 7 points among all likely voters in Colorado, Pennsylvania and Virginia. In Florida and North Carolina she had a smaller lead of 3 to 4 points — 48 percent to 45 percent and 49 percent to 45 percent — but within the poll’s margin of error.
The poll interviewed likely voters on Sept. 27 and 28 through automated phone calls to landlines and online interviews of cell phone only respondents. There were 694 respondents in Colorado, 826 in Florida, 861 in North Carolina, 886 in Pennsylvania and 811 in Virginia. The margins of error for the surveys are 3.7 points, 3.4 points, 3.3 points, 3.3 points and 3.4 points.
©2016 CQ-Roll Call, Inc., All Rights Reserved
37 responses to “Post-debate poll shows millennials turn toward Clinton”
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and yet, the daily mail released results of polls taken after the presidential debate that show most respondents felt that trump was the winner, as the daily mail headlined it: by a landslide.
Trump’s poll numbers are collapsing. But keep living in your fantasy.
No thank you. Idon’t want to live in your fantasy world. Seek help before its too late.
It’s called reality. Trump’s pool numbers are now in a free fall. His psychotic tirade against the former Miss Universe are tanking his numbers with women.
Thanks very much for supporting Mr. Trump. You helped guarantee a Clinton win in November.
Democratic Incest It matters but it doesn’t matter – both side are screwed up.
The media won’t tell the truth… They are told what to “tell you”!
Good morning everyone!!! Here’s some info ya may not know…
1) ABC News executive producer Ian Cameron is married to Susan Rice, Obama’s National Security Adviser.
2) CBS President David Rhodes is the brother of Ben Rhodes, Obama’s Deputy National Security Adviser for Strategic Communications.
3) ABC News correspondent Claire Shipman is married to former Obama Whitehouse Press Secretary Jay Carney.
4) ABC News and Univision reporter Matthew Jaffe is married to Katie Hogan, Obama’s Deputy Press Secretary.
5) ABC President Ben Sherwood is the brother of Obama’s Special Adviser Elizabeth Sherwood.
6) CNN President Virginia Moseley is married to former Hillary Clinton’s Deputy Secretary Tom Nides.
Etc… etc… Get the picture yet!?
319 million US citizens and we end up with these sh#t heads.
But Sarge, nothing compares to the Donald going to Cuba and spending money when he is not supposed to or not complying with state law on foundations. This is so basic. Laws are made to be broken has its limits and the Donald has far exceeded them. He is lucky he hasn’t been sent to Gitmo.
You poor thing. The “polls” Trump showed off are all unscientific and/or “fun surveys” (like the one SA runs every day) run in specific regions that support Trump and allow people to vote multiple times. They are CRAP, do you understand that?
Even on your favorite channel of all time, Fox News, Business Insider reported that the network’s polling director, Dana Blanton, warned that such polls “do not meet our editorial standards.”
All scientifically-run polls show Clinton was the clear winner.
In this day and age, you need to be more educated, more savvy and selective about what GOOD information you can find in the media pile and use it wisely to make SMART decisions. Otherwise, any unscrupulous conman can come along and have their way with you. In other words, Donald just bent you over and gave it to you the hard way—again!
LOL…the Daily Mail….a British tabloid. Next you’ll quote polls from some Russian tabloid.
Hasn’t RT come out in favor of the Donald? lol To think no US newspaper has endorsed the Donald for president. Not one. Tells you something especially when some haven’t endorsed a democrat for decades. Poor Donald. He is just misunderstood.
Lol, The Daily Mail from the UK! Proof, once again, that std’s affect your brain as much as your genitals.
It’s over, call the fat lady and bring out the musical score….
Ike, August 15, 2016 PPP shows that Ms Hillary at 56% and Mr. Trump at 20% for the Millennials. It’s a 36% gap between Ms Hillary and Mr. Trump. Yesterday’s PPP poll shows Ms Hillary at 47% and Mr. Trump at 28%. Isn’t this a drop for Ms Clinton from 56& to 47% of -9% and Mr. Trump a gain of +8% in 5 weeks?
Fat lady? That’s no way to talk about Hillary.
Or your mother or wife.
Hillary is going to win by a landslide. With the increasing Donald’s legal problems, he will be lucky if he is still free come election day. Both he and Christie might be sharing a cell come November.
Let’s see what Wikileaks is saving for October.
Well we know the Donald is hiding lots or he would release his tax returns. Maybe they will release the Donald’s tax returns. lol
Sadly the Donald has really turned into a joke, a bad joke, and one that is an embarrassment for the United States.
Who is ” public policy polling”? And the SA takes thier polls as truth? Sounds to me that it’s a democrat group pumping out numbers with no responsibility for the truth.
Everyone knows Libertarian candidate Gary Johnson is winning big in under 30 voters, military voters, and independent voters.
Oh please. Are you an adult?
I’m all for third party candidates making the election process interesting. But Johnson’s sort of become this year’s Sarah Palin (who doesn’t read any news periodicals).
But I’ve already tabbed Donald as this year’s Sarah Palin. So Johnson will be the third party Palin, and Trump is the Republican Palin. I’m sure right wingers will approve this message.
Not a very flattering picture of Waldo. Got that whole turkey-neck thing goin’. Yipes!
She’s going to be the President. Probably for eight years. So you might as well get used to it.
CEI, here’s something you’ll find sexy. Don’t wet yourself or anything….
Where’s the naked statue of HiLIARy or the one of Bill and Monica. Life is a two way street.
Next to the naked statue of the Donald. lol
About Public Policy Poll
In addition to political issues, the company has polled the public on such diverse topics as the approval rating of God,[6] whether Republican voters believe President Obama would be eligible to enter heaven in the event of the Rapture,[7] whether hipsters should be subjected to a special tax for being annoying,[8] and whether Ted Cruz is the Zodiac Killer.[9][10]
Just the kind of polls the Clingons find reputable. Sounds like they’re getting desperate.
Four Clinton staffers and A Platte River Employee given immunity? It’s not over until the Fat Lady sings. This is one issue that will not go away ever. It will be Clinton’s Whitewater Gate.
Like millennials have a choice this election to choose somebody else. Since their future is at stake, they need to be very careful with their decision since this election will not only affect America, but also the entire world for decades to come.
There really is only one choice for president and that is sweet Hillary. Republicans have blown it big time. The sad thing is the Donald was their best candidate. I was afraid there that we might be looking at a third Bush presidency. Thank God he was knocked out early. One good thing the Donald did. lol
The sad thing is Hillary is the Dem choice. Too bad they rigged the game against Bernie.
But Hillary is still a good choice. I was for Bernie but I can accept sweet Hillary. I realize a lot of pressure need to be kept on her due to her hawkish ways but aside from that, I have no problem with her.
The republicans on the other hand just had various levels of Bad.
The deck as been stacked and Hillary is likely to be our next president. My concern is that if the media is not willing to hold her accountable now, what will happen when she becomes president. As repugnant as Trump is, we had a chance of the media holding him accountable, as the media scrutiny would be unrelenting. My hunch is that we will have 4 years of “your a sexist” if you disagree with anything she says. I’m not comfortable with giving another POTUS carte blanche based on political correctness.
An Independent/Moderate
A 4- to 8-point lead in Pennsylvania, New Hampshire, Colorado, Virginia, Wisconsin and Michigan, which have been slightly bluer than the national average this cycle.
Somewhere between a tie and a 4-point Clinton lead in Florida and North Carolina, which have been slightly redder than the national average.
A roughly tied race in Ohio and Iowa, which have been significantly redder than the national average.
So, what data have we gotten since then?
In New Hampshire, a MassINC Polling Group poll (live caller) had Clinton up by 7 points.
In Michigan, a Glengariff Group poll (live caller) had Clinton up by 7 points.
In Florida, a Mason-Dixon poll (live caller) had Clinton up by 4 points.
Also in Florida, an Opinion Savvy poll (conducted by automated telephone and online) had the race essentially tied (Clinton up by 0.3 points).
And finally, in Nevada, a Suffolk University poll (live caller) had Clinton ahead by 6 points.
As you can see, these results are pretty much exactly what we’d expect with a Clinton lead of 3 to 5 percentage points nationally. In fact, they’re mostly toward the high end of the range, which means that her lead over Trump nationally could eventually turn out to be more like 5 points than 3 points as more data comes in.
All pau, go home, it’s done and it’s all self-inflicted. Ds thank Donald.
Of course. It’s the youngest, most easily impressionable demographic with little Life Experience. Hillary has perfected the Art of Dodging and Evasion, honed through decades of political manipulation.
Why aren’t the candidates talking about things that really matter for the future of this country, and frankly, the entire world?
No one has spoken a single word, for example, about the AIIB. But we hear instead about how they would tear down NAFTA and the TPP, without any solutions. Canada, Australia, and many other U.S. Allies have joined the AIIB as shareholders.
Instead, we hear about how Ford has built plants in Mexico and we are losing jobs. No one seems to want to say the obvious, that the cost of labor tips the equation towards the old saying, “it’s business, nothing personal”.
There is also one other thing that is based in reality. Our infrastructure must be one of our top priorities. If we fail on this, there will be no excuses in the future. And trade is without any question essential to our efforts to be competitive in the future.
This is about the future generations. And it seems we are the least informed about these challenges that we have to face. Think about this for a minute. The asian and eastern countries in the AIIB have substantial issues of their own. But, I doubt that most of us understand how this all just fits together.
So, cut out the reality show theatrics, tabloid bickering. There are far more important issues we should be looking at right now.
well – i’m going to say it! it’s the elephant in the room! of late you tube has shown some flash surveys on the street that portrays this same group as very knowledgeable on social celebrity statuses – who’s who, with whom, and doing to whomever but NOT KNOWING SIMPLE HISTORIC FACTS about our country. now this is the group that us turning to ms. clinton. what does that say? if a segment has no clue about the history of our USA, how can said group know any history behind any individual – outside of a social media blitz? is that a fair question? i’m open for discussion!
“During Bill Clinton’s presidency, the FBI fingerprinted both Bill and Hillary over concerns that the two had inappropriate access to FBI files. This was similar to what had been done during Richard Nixon’s time and therefore the FBI fingerprinted the Clintons to see if there was any proof they had handled the files in question. It was determined that they had not, yet two years later, some of the files were found in her home, with her fingerprints on them.”
(WorldLifeStyle, etc etc)
Some think that President Obama was our Lenin
And that Hillary could be our Stalin
There is nothing more addictive than power and more destructive than the drive to satisfy that addiction.
Eight years ago you were free, you could drop out and be left alone.
This ended.
It was done using the Individual Mandate in ObamaCare.
Scary times.