Closure of Oahu restaurants brings higher-end food to farmers markets

A passing family looked over there bento offerings with Christopher Merez of The Hibachi at the Blaisdell farmers market that is open Wednesday afternoons. Oahu restaurants have started selling their dishes at local farmers markets.CRAIG T. KOJIMA / CKOJIMA@STARADVERTISER.COM
Chef Colin Hazama holds Jasmine tea scented steamed catch at left, and kiawe smoked pork belly bacon bao bun.GEORGE F. LEE / GLEE@STARADVERTISER.COM
Christopher Merez of The Hibachi located in Kailua mixed a batch of spicy ahi poke at the Blaisdell farmers market that is open on Wednesday afternoons.GEORGE F. LEE / GLEE@STARADVERTISER.COM
Bento offerings for sale include teri chicken, yakisoba, salmon belly, nairagi and garlic ahi by The Hibachi.CRAIG T. KOJIMA / CKOJIMA@STARADVERTISER.COM
Tadashi Yamamoto prepares food at Sizzle's booth.CRAIG T. KOJIMA / CKOJIMA@STARADVERTISER.COM
Crowds are larger now at the Kaiser High School farmers market with more restaurants selling their food there.GEORGE F. LEE / GLEE@STARADVERTISER.COM
Christopher Merez, left, Renee Pang, and owner Mark Ushijima of The Hibachi set out bentos and side dishes for sale.CRAIG T. KOJIMA / CKOJIMA@STARADVERTISER.COM
Jasmine tea scented steamed catch at left, and kiawe smoked pork belly bacon bao buns.CRAIG T. KOJIMA / CKOJIMA@STARADVERTISER.COM
David Clyne, a Kaiser High parent, manages the market that benefits the PTSA.CRAIG T. KOJIMA / CKOJIMA@STARADVERTISER.COM
Chef Colin Hazama, left, prepares food at the Kaiser market.CRAIG T. KOJIMA / CKOJIMA@STARADVERTISER.COM
The husband and wife team Tadashi and Saki Yamamoto operate the Sizzle booth at Kaiser.CRAIG T. KOJIMA / CKOJIMA@STARADVERTISER.COM
Colin Hazama’s caramel star anise roast chicken at Kaiser.CRAIG T. KOJIMA / CKOJIMA@STARADVERTISER.COM
Kaiser High School's farmers market operates on Tuesday afternoons.GEORGE F. LEE / GLEE@STARADVERTISER.COM
Side dishes offered by The Hibachi include cucumber kim chee, bean sprouts and tofu.CRAIG T. KOJIMA / CKOJIMA@STARADVERTISER.COM
The husband and wife team Tadashi and Saki Yamamoto operate the Sizzle booth at Kaiser.