Honolulu Star-Advertiser

Monday, February 10, 2025 79° Today's Paper


Letters: Second Amendment requires context; Hard for young people to survive in paradise; Stairway to Heaven can be big tourist attraction

In response to Brian Isaacson (“2nd Amendment protects other rights,” Star-Advertiser, Letters, April 12), the Second Amendment states: “A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.”

When this very terse statement was adopted in 1791, the United States was a newborn infant federation of loosely bound states still highly disorganized and trying to establish itself in the face of British tyranny. The militia of the founding era was the body of ordinary citizens capable of taking up arms to defend the nation; the intent was to augment the deficient, underfunded, poorly manned federal army that existed against future attacks from foreign aggressors.

“A well regulated militia” has become the National Guard in each state, not self-anointed, self-appointed domestic terrorists who hide behind the Second Amendment to carry out their random personal grievances.

Yes, there are many ways to prevent criminal behavior and they all need consideration, but the Second Amendment should be viewed through the lens of time and not misinterpreted and misapplied.

Kevin Johnson



Think twice before firing top managers

I agree with Jennifer Chiwa’s deduction that the Police Commission was micromanaging Chief Susan Ballard with its “improvement plan” (“Commission wrong to micromanage Ballard,” Star-Advertiser, Letters, April 14). Most leaders work with the individual, not hand them a laundry list of what they think needs to be done.

I wonder how many of them could have handled 2020 any better than the chief? Was the commission trying to send a different message after having let Louis Kealoha get away with his criminal activities?

This is yet another example of getting rid of the top dog every time something doesn’t go the way some commission, board or committee thinks it should. Schools Superintendent Christina Kishimoto is another example.

Perhaps it’s time we looked at ourselves rather than pouncing at the first sign of perceived mismanagement.

Sally L. Jones



Social justice advocate for police commission

Mahalo to Benjamin Mahi for withdrawing his nomination from consideration to serve on the Honolulu Police Commission (“Honolulu Mayor Rick Blangiardi’s pick for Police Commission withdraws nomination,” Star- Advertiser, April 14).

It is my hope that Blangiardi’s next nominee will be a social justice advocate, ideally from one of the overrepresented communities in our criminal justice system. The commission is supposed to be the voice of the community, and for that to be assured, we need more diversity of thought on the commission.

Michael Golojuch Jr.



Key government posts will be difficult to fill

Hawaii is in a period of transition, with three major government positions to be filled — Honolulu police chief, state superintendent of schools and director of the rail transit project. The current police chief and superintendent chose to resign, while the rail director was fired.

I’m not certain whether any of their departures should be welcomed.

I do know that finding replacements who will be improvements on their predecessors won’t be easy.

Those charged with this task have a major responsibility, especially if they criticized the departing persons.

Carl H. Zimmerman

Salt Lake


Hard for young people to survive in paradise

The high cost of living in Hawaii makes life very hard for most residents. More and more people will leave the islands as it becomes a place that caters mostly to the wealthy.

The economy should be serving the people living here, not selling the isles as a getaway from the pandemic.

We also are often told that a person needs to find a college on the mainland in order to be successful.

I experienced this myself when I was applying for college. Teachers and my peers questioned why I decided to attend the University of Hawaii at Manoa. However, I have enjoyed my experience so far.

Young people are the future of Hawaii, and if we can make Hawaii more affordable and provide opportunities for them, then they can stay to contribute. Why are our elected officials unwilling to lift the minimum wage?

Winnie Lau



Stairway to Heaven can be big tourist attraction

The City and County of Honolulu will be making a big mistake if it closes the Stairway to Heaven. It is the ultimate tourist attraction, and probably one of the wonders of the world. People take spectacular photos from the top of the stairs and circulate them on the internet. The advertising value of these awesome Oahu panoramic pictures far outweighs any maintenance or liability costs.

The city should spend a few million dollars to repair and maintain the stairs and make them safer. The relatively few rescues that are required each year probably serve as an inexpensive on-the-job training activity for search and rescue crews.

Is the mayor kowtowing to boisterous landowners living near the entrance who want the stairs closed?

Keep the Stairway to Heaven open.

Ray Graham



Don’t make everyone use 10-digit dialing

A recent story noted that all callers in Hawaii will be required to dial the area code 808 plus the telephone number for local calls beginning Oct. 24 (“Transition to 10-digit dialing begins April 24,” Star-Advertiser, April 9).

Wouldn’t it be simpler to change the 988 prefix for the relatively small number of Hawaii residents with that prefix, rather than burden our million-plus population with this extra dialing? I would think that this would be a simpler solution.

It would be helpful to have an explanation as to why this cannot be done. Consider the inconvenience to every 808 subscriber.

Roy King



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