Honolulu Star-Advertiser

Tuesday, February 11, 2025 82° Today's Paper


Letters: Violence on screens impacts children; No reason to offer prizes to get COVID vaccine; Abortion: Legal isn’t the same as morally right

As an early-childhood teacher in Hawaii, I noticed the profound effect on children who watched extreme violence on screens. These young minds were just developing while experiencing a high level of nonchalance about aggressively harming others.

We taught them that the video world of killing was pretend. Most of them were able to comprehend that video- gaming violence was not real. Yet others had trouble discerning between screen violence and real life. We did our best to teach them kindness, not to hate, act mean or destroy another person’s self-esteem or property.

More outdoor fun with friends and family at our beautiful beaches and parks could help a lot. We can make exceptional gains in curtailing crimes and antisocial behavior with early childhood interventions and by portraying life as a nonviolent experience of goodness, kindness, social responsibility and aloha.

Sandra Z. Armstrong



No reason to offer prizes to get COVID vaccine

Why are people being treated like children to get them to be immunized? Why offer a reward to entice them into getting a shot (“Las Vegas trip, HawaiianMiles and Zippy’s meals among prizes from Hawaii COVID-19 vaccination incentive campaign,” Star-Advertiser, Top News, May 4)?

If they don’t want the vaccine, it’s their choice. If they don’t want to be protected, so be it. They are free to make their own choice to get COVID-19 or not and maybe get hurt or die.

Others will be protected and will not be infected with COVID-19.

Richard Kinoshita

Maunalani Heights


Adjust population figure to calculate vaccinations

Much is made in the news about the percentage of the population that is fully vaccinated and how it relates to relaxing controls. What is the population figure used? The absolute total?

If children under 12 will not be vaccinated, then the population figure used for calculation should be just those 12 and older. Our current percentage of those vaccinated would be higher that way.

Gary Sparks



Safe Travels application expensive, cumbersome

My wife and I were just in Chicago to visit our grandchild. We were fully vaccinated in Hawaii. Because Hawaii has yet to link its vaccination records to the Safe Travels application, we had to get COVID tested. That set us back $279. On top of that, the “trusted partner” only offered drive-through testing. So we had to take a cab and leave the meter running during testing. Another $44 spent.

Now to the actual Safe Travels application. Our “high-tech” governor has overseen the design of perhaps the worst application in IT history. The downloads don’t work half the time. Safe Travels only takes a PDF of your test record. Converting the trusted partners test results to PDF is a difficult undertaking.

Finally, the endgame. If someone doesn’t have a smart phone — and many seniors don’t — you have to hunt up a printer and print out your QR code. We spent $323 and lost almost an entire day of precious time with our family. How long must this sad state of affairs go on?

Sidney Goldstein



Abortion: Legal isn’t the same as morally right

All human beings are endowed by their Creator with free will and the right to make choices. Everyone can choose to do what is morally right or morally wrong.

In the U.S., women have the right to abort their babies (pro-choice) or allow the baby to be born (pro-life). A woman cannot be both pro-choice and pro-life at the same time, and neither can others. These views are opposed to each other.

It was never a fundamental right of women to abort their babies. It took Roe v. Wade to legally allow this. Just because our laws allow a woman to abort her baby does not mean it is morally right.

Harold Nakagawa



Cartoon misrepresents Carlson’s vaccine stance

Regarding Mike Luckovich’s political cartoon (“Things to avoid doing,” Star-Advertiser, June 6): Luckovich appeared to declare that Tucker Carlson is anti-vaccine.

If Luckovich were to actually watch the Tucker Carlson show, he would know that Tucker is not anti-vaccine. Carlson opposes forcing or shaming people who have experienced the COVID-19 infection and have natural antibodies into taking the vaccine.

Harry Ozols



GOP could turn U.S. into a dictatorship

Republicans at national and state levels are proving they have no respect for their oath of office, their children, the future, the American people. They sold their souls to Donald Trump and power.

Senate Minority Leader Mitch Mc- Connell and House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy publicly proclaimed that the Jan. 6 deadly insurrection against our government was instigated by Trump. Then McConnell said the Republicans’ only goal is to block every Democratic proposal. Believe them. They are doing it.

I make no claim that Democrats have all the answers, are immune to power, and do no wrong. However, led by President Joe Biden, Democrats are working to rebuild America after the pandemic and the resulting economic and social disruption. They’re addressing climate change, cyberattacks and civil- and individual-rights abuses.

What frightens me is history has shown that lies, corruption and evil can win. Google “current dictators.” There are 50 countries listed in 2020.

Don’t think it can’t happen in America.

Judith Goldman

Ala Moana


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