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Hawaii News

Good Neighbor Fund donations surpass $170K

                                Helping Hands Hawaii CEO Susan Furuta, right, and Community Clearing House program director Kristine Garabiles sort through some of the donated items on Nov. 19.


Helping Hands Hawaii CEO Susan Furuta, right, and Community Clearing House program director Kristine Garabiles sort through some of the donated items on Nov. 19.

The annual Good Neighbor Fund, a charitable partnership between Helping Hands Hawaii, the Honolulu Star-Advertiser and First Hawaiian Bank, helps struggling individuals and families during the holiday season. This past year under the Adopt A Family Program, more than 500 families sought assistance with food, clothing, toys and household items. Donations to the Good Neighbor Fund also assist Helping Hands with operational costs for the nonprofit’s Community Clearinghouse Program, which helps people with basic necessities throughout the year.

Here is the latest list of donors to the 2021 Good Neighbor Fund:

>> Padosi Foundation $2,500

>> In memory of S. &C. $1,000

>> Lynn Tagawa $1,000

>> Russell Kato $500

>> Walter A. & Lenora Y. Oda $500

>> Gail S. and Dawn K. Tsuhako $410

>> Ma‘ema‘e Elementary School Staff $410

>> June Naughton $400

>> Anne &Jan Furuuchi $300

>> Dennis Tulang $300

>> Jonathan Carr $300

>> Deralyn M. and Dallas R. Marlow $250

>> In memory of Harold and Hatsuye $250

>> In memory of Tohoru and Mildred $250

>> Russell Houlton $204.56

>> Clayton M. Ishii $200

>> Craig &Lori Muramoto $200

>> H &R $200

>> In loving memory of Susan Akita $200

>> In memory of Mabel Ueshiro and Margaret Amano $200

>> In memory of Mr. So Luu &Mrs. Nuoi Le $200

>> James C.W. Yee $200

>> Jo Ann Marshall $200

>> Stephen S.F. Choy &Canossa I. Man Choy $200

>> Susan Trawick $200

>> Craig &Aileen Yim $150

>> Craig Yim &Family $150

>> Dennis S. Takatsuki $150

>> Mindy Kaneshiro $150

>> Richard Day $150

>> Warren Au $102.53

>> Alexandra Horn $100

>> Arlene and R. Hue $100

>> Betty E Hayashi $100

>> Curtis Inoue $100

>> Cy &Sadie Mukawa $100

>> David D Hallstein $100

>> Dennis H Arakaki $100

>> In loving memory of Tsutoko &Yoshimi Maeda $100

>> In memory of Clyde Tsukayama $100

>> In memory of Gilbert Choi $100

>> In memory of Henry &Derek Arita $100

>> In memory of N. Kitsuwa $100

>> In memory of Vivian Minamoto $100

>> Jon &Lynn Young $100

>> Joy M. &Calvin T. Chinen $100

>> Judy S. Murata $100

>> Judy Yanagida $100

>> Linda M Iverson $100

>> Lorene Frija $100

>> Margaret Y. Higa $100

>> Masami &Joyce Nishimoto $100

>> Matthew Chikasuye $100

>> Memory of Evan &Jeri Asato $100

>> Merry Christmas! Donna $100

>> Merry Christmas! Kaylee &Kelsie Shibata $100

>> Nicholas &Noah Lee $100

>> Patrick T &Nancy K Sonoda $100

>> Richard Crandall $100

>> Robert Brennan $100

>> RSMT $100

>> S. &D.M. Goya $100

>> Shireen &David B Tilley Jr. $100

>> Thor Orndahl $100

>> Tu Long Lac &Kim Hoa Ho $100

>> Concepcion Funari $50

>> In honor of Sandra Morishige $50

>> In loving memory Dr. Fugate Carty, Maryann Carty, Christopher Carty &Colin Carty $50

>> In memory of a good friend Roy Miyashiro $50

>> In memory of Betty T. Ichimura (lived in Hilo and Honolulu) $50

>> In the memory of Doris T. Kimura $50

>> Kenton, Karynna and Kallen $50

>> Patricia K. Schmitz $50

>> Susan L. Ching $50

>> Tesuo &Carolyn Hirata $50

>> Aiden Lee $30

>> Noah Lee $30

>> Sammi Oshima $30

>> Renee $10

>> Helen Domer $5

>> Kainalu Cole $2

>> Anonymous $2,085

>> Weekly Total $17,469.09

>> Last Week’s Total $153,045.31

>> Grand Total $170,514.40