Letter: Women’s soccer team refuses to honor U.S.
The U.S. Women’s National Team, prior to its World Cup opening game in New Zealand against Vietnam, wore Stars and Stripes uniforms, and then failed to place their hands over their hearts and sing the national anthem in honor of the United States of America.
This intentional act of rude defiance, with millions watching, was disgraceful and disgustingly shameful.
Love of country is not a partisan issue. The team should be proud to display unified American values and ideals — freedoms hard-earned and vetted historically by our forefathers.
There exists a pervasive culture demonstrated by these team members that, sad to observe, makes it difficult to support or cheer their performance.
We are blessed to be American citizens, and patriotism is paramount. It serves no purpose or interest to be self-consumed, pompous, narcissistic, contemptible and insulting.
Bruce Thabit
Ala Moana
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