Mayor Richard Bissen attends a ceremony at the modular home site, Ke Ao Maluhia at Maui Lani, on April 30.
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I wish to commend Maui Mayor Richard Bissen’s stand as reported in “Maui County weighs phasing out vacation rentals” (Star-Advertiser, June 24). He supports measures to curtail short-term rentals on Maui. These short-term rentals mean there are many vacancies for tourists while Maui residents have no shelter. We need to correct poor planning decisions. There is no room for workers and their families.
Maui citizens need shelter and sites closer to their work environment. It is time to refer to John Stuart Mill, the famous economist, who counseled “the greatest good for the greatest number.” With this goal in place, it just may be that equality will result rather than first one there wins. Maui citizens deserve more from the investment in their land and their aloha service.
Hopefully, the future in America will go to building equality and respecting good skills in our society. Isn’t that the American dream?
Mary I. Piette
Hawaii Kai
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