Letter: One candidate has right stuff, the other doesn’t
On Monday, a writer described what he felt were the attributes that people hope for in a president (“It seems difficult to find a candidate that has it all,” Star-Advertiser, Letters, July 15). In my mind, it was unrealistic. “Youthful vitality” and “worldly savvy?” Yeah, good stuff, but I don’t think so. Here’s what I think is important for a candidate: loves our country; supports our citizens; protects our people; looks after the average American; able to handle a leadership role on the world stage; and not just pay lip service to these criteria.
However, if you feel that your life is better over the past four years, by all means vote your desire. But be honest with yourself. Are you really better off? Looking at the two parties, which is more focused on real people needs and which party caters more to ultra-left needs. At the same time, we do have to coexist. Let’s do it peacefully.
Stefan Wenska
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