Letter: Mass deportation is not a workable policy
So again, another insulting Trump campaign reference — this time from a comedian comparing Puerto Rico to garbage. This comedian is yet to be rebuked by Donald Trump, who continues to campaign heavily on his anti-immigrant platform.
The immigration laws have to be reworked, but for all the people who feel that immigrants are a threatening, poisonous element coming into the country, take off your xenophobic glasses and recognize that this country could not survive without immigrants doing the hard jobs that most people won’t do. Chicken slaughterhouses, pork processing plants and agriculture would not survive without immigrant labor, and mass deportation would throw a big wrench into the American economy.
A better work visa system has to be implemented, but by no means should wholesale deportations be forced on immigrants who have lived here many years and contributed to the economy and their communities.
Steve Cedillos
Ala Moana
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