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I read with amusement the Jan. 28 letter, “Immigration laws, tariffs will erode U.S. economy.” I don’t know if the writer is a college-educated economist or not, but even expert economists and business CEOs don’t all agree on the effect tariffs will have on our economy.
So far, President Donald Trump has imposed only a couple tariffs as a means to protect U.S. industries and the general public and to get foreign nations to comply with his “America first” agenda. However I think at some point Trump may use tariffs more willingly, especially on China.
After less than 10 days in office, Trump’s executive orders and the appointment of Tom Homan as border czar are showing great results. It has been reported that only the worst criminals and gang members among the immigrants are being targeted for deportation. Who doesn’t want to live in a safe neighborhood?
Harold Nakagawa
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