On the Scene

JINKS HONORED AT HRFF GALA | 1. Academy Award-winning director Dan Jinks, second from left, received the Adam Baran Award at the 22nd Annual Honolulu Rainbow Film Festival Gala May 13 at Chai's Island Bistro. Festival founder Jack Law, left, joined HRFF Director Brent Anbe, Honolulu Gay & Lesbian Cultural Foundation Executive Director Daniel Chun and celebrity emcee Alec Mapa in congratulating him. The award is named for the late Adam Baran, a pioneering video deejay.

CANTRELL EXPOSES NAZI GERMANY | 4. Hawaii island novelist Rebecca Cantrell, left, talked with aspiring author Denise Macomber after discussing the historical context of her Hannah Vogel thrillers at a meet-the-author seminar last Sunday at the Sixth Annual Honolulu Book & Music Festival. A Game of Lies, Cantrells third novel set in prewar Nazi Germany, goes on sale June 5.

BYRD PREPS FOR VEGAS | 5. Miss Hawaii USA 2011 Angela Byrd, center, welcomed Dr. Angela Pratt and Bill Smith to her send-off party fundraiser last Sunday at the Waikiki Edition. The event helped defray Byrds expenses in representing Hawaii at the Miss USA pageant in Las Vegas next month.

CORLEONE VISITS BOOK FESTIVAL | 2. Crime mystery novelist Douglas Corleone, right, signed a copy of his first novel, One Man's Paradise, for mystery fan Glenn Roberts May 14 at the Sixth Annual Honolulu Book & Music Festival. Corleone's second Kevin Corvelli mystery, Night on Fire, was released earlier this month and reviewed here last Sunday.

1920 WAS A VERY GOOD YEAR! | 3. Carol Yap, seated, celebrated her 91st birthday with a sunset luau
May 14 at Kahaluu Fishpond. Her granddaughter-in-law Connie Wong, left, and grandson Chris Wong helped with the logistics; her daughter Linda Wong took a break from her duties as hostess to dance hula; and Danny Kaleikini was a superb emcee singing Hawaiian and hapa-haole classics during the evening.

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