Honolulu Star-Advertiser

Saturday, February 15, 2025 77° Today's Paper


Opinion and analysis by the Honolulu Star-Advertiser Editorial Board. Get informed with columns and commentary, and submit a letter to the editor.

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Letter: Litterbugs should keep litter bag in their car

The McDonald’s next to the fire station in Mililani just spent big bucks on new landscaping by the ordering area and it’s super nice, except for people who throw their cigarettes butts, used McDonald’s coffee cups, soda cans and other paper in the area. Read more

Off the news: RFK Jr. overcomes opposition to head HHS

The way things have been going, politics-watchers were not stunned to hear that the controversial nomination of Robert. F. Kennedy Jr. as the secretary of the Department of Health and Human Services on Thursday had cleared the goal posts in Congress. Read more

Off the news: Doctor retention bill dies, another looms

Two misguided bills — House Bill 221, now thankfully dead, and Senate Bill 101 — would use University of Hawaii medical school tuition as a cudgel to keep kamaaina in this state, charging out-of-state tuition retroactively if UH M.D.s don’t commit to practice in Hawaii for at least two years after completion of their residency or fellowship. Read more

Editorial: Push toward early education goals

The University of Hawaii has asked its future students who among them are interested in a new, streamlined bachelor’s degree program for early-childhood teachers, and a whole crowd of them raised their hand. Read more

Off the news: Debating permanent homeless program

Hawaii’s state-supported efforts to help homeless people with mainland ties return to their families or home towns are a relatively simple way to resolve some homelessness without the ongoing costs of shelter and services — for those who agree to leave and have support at their destination. Read more

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