Manami Tomohiro, her daughter, Haruna, and her husband, Yagi, navigate construction work in Waikiki, which is being spruced up in advance of the APEC meeting.
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Dems complain about Case’s poll, but not their own
The Democratic establishment in Hawaii has never been overly fond of blue-dog congressional veteran Ed Case. And now it seems he’s getting a chilly reception from some in D.C., as well.
Guy Cecil, Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee executive director, slapped Case for releasing his commissioned poll results showing him leading both possible GOP contender Linda Lingle and Democratic Rep. Mazie Hirono in a matchup to succeed Sen. Daniel Akaka.
Wait a minute. In criticizing Case, Cecil cites a DSCC poll more favorable to Hirono and just as damning to Lingle. Isn’t this what pols do in campaign season, burnish their most flattering polling profiles? And if both Dems are poised to trounce Lingle, as asserted, isn’t that good news for fundraisers? Guess not.
A cleaner Honolulu — we could get used to this
It’s like giving the house a good cleaning before those out-of-town guests arrive.
In this case, it’s the delegates from the Asia Pacific Economic Cooperation meeting who will be greeted by a freshly scrubbed, freshly landscaped, freshly paved Honolulu — or at least those parts they’ll see, like Waikiki and the Nimitz Highway corridor.
Of course, there are plenty of other places where beautiful Hawaii is not so beautiful. Let’s hope the APEC efforts are contagious.