Manoa Valley Theatre’s "Manoa Marquee" fundraiser netted $65,973 Sunday at the Pacific Club. The sum included a $5,000 check from a donor who thought he was taking in a Kumu Kahua benefit (held a night earlier at another location), but he turned out to be a happy camper, making the unexpected donation. …
Kirk Matthews, KHON’s "Wake Up 2day" host, and spouse Linda Coble co-emceed the event and abided by the "Superheroes" theme, Matthews showing up as James Bond (in his own tux) and Coble as Supergirl (a $50-plus costume to reappear at Halloween). Coble advised hubby that his fly was unzipped. Oops.Coble later won a raffle for a Norwegian Cruise Line trip, fair and square, with an audience member pulling the winning ticket (unclaimed), so a second — Coble’s — was selected.Whoopie.

The event honored MVT boosters Alice and Jerry Tucker, the law firm of Cades Schutte, and Gov. Neil Abercrombie and Nancie Caraway. Even the gov got into the live-auction action, bidding $500 for superhero posters, but someone else coughed up more to win. …
THE LOCAL ANGLE: Alex O’Loughlin’s son Saxon visited Dad on the "Hawaii Five-0" set recently, so pics of father and son areon the Internet. Saxon is 13 and a cutie who ought to get a small guest role, inasmuch as the show has been hiring newbies. Would boost ratings, please O’Loughlinphiles and fit the CBS show’s intent of exploring ohana. …
Peter Fonda ("Easy Rider") will be in an October "Five-0" segment as a treasure-hunting sea captain. …
Bruno Mars joins PBS’ "Sesame Street" during its 42nd season starting Sept. 26 — only the second islander so honored on the beloved educational children’s show; the first, gollee, was Jim Nabors. …
SETTING THE STAGE: The cast of"The Phantom of the Opera," in rehearsal at Windward Community College’s Paliku Theatre, had a phantom guest visitor recently: , who originated Raoul in the Toronto company of the Andrew Lloyd Webberhit. He now lives here.
Nease played Raoul when "Phantom" set records at Blaisdell Concert Hall and became the Phantom in touring productions. Biggest thrill for the cast: He summoned Lydia Pusateri, as Christine, to sing "All I Ask of You," inspiring the troupe to raise the bar when the show bows Sept. 9, with Miles Wesley behind the mask, Kyle Malis as Raoul. …
Mary Gutzi will portray Norma Desmond in another Lloyd Webber smash, "Sunset Boulevard," in rehearsals for a Sept. 30 launch at Diamond Head Theatre. She’ll sing "With One Look" and "As if We Never Said Goodbye." …
Vocal coach William Daquioag, a former member of the Society of Seven LV, was all smiles at DHT’s "Hairspray" since his student Arianne Yago, 13, played Little Inez to the audience’s delight. …
ITEMIZATIONS: John Kolivas’ Honolulu Jazz Quartet performs at 7:30 p.m. Saturday at Hawaii Public Radio’s Atherton space, fueled by its "Remembrance/Live at the Triple Door." Tickets: 955-8821. …
Don Tikibrings its "South of the Boudoir" vibe to California for the first time when it plays in Tiki Oasis 2001 Aug. 21 in San Diego. …
Hollywood couple Jennifer Aniston and Justin Theroux were on Kauai, not Lanai, as incorrectly itemed here last week. …
Willie K‘s 50th State Film, Music, Martial Arts Festival Lifetime Achievement Award was bestowed on the late Pat "The Karate Kid" Morita last Sunday at the Pearl City High School gym. Widow Evie, who answers to Mrs. Miyagi, accepted. A day earlier his ashes were scattered in Kaneohe Bay, with Joe Recca officiating. …
And that’s "Show Biz." …
Wayne Harada is a veteran entertainment columnist; reach him at 266-0926 or; read his Show and Tell Hawaii blog at