“Matson the Mouse,” a charming tale about an adventurous mouse who accidentally stows away on a Matson liner that sails from San Francisco to Honolulu, was authored and published by Duncan O’Brien. The colorful illustrations created by Robyn Drage bring the adorable characters to life.
Sprecks the Seagull, the mouse’s best friend, offers to take him on a tour of the liner. When Sprecks ends up missing, Matson decides to embark on a search. The liner sets sail before Matson can depart, and the adventure begins. Eventually Matson ends up on Waikiki Beach enjoying a luau and a tropical drink made from pineapple, banana, guava, mango and lilikoi. Fun facts, included at the end of the story, use the letters in “Matson Mouse” to share tidbits of information about subjects like Captain William Matson and the Royal Hawaiian Hotel. For example, “S is for Sprecks the Seagull, who was named after Claus Spreckels, the ‘Sugar King’ in Hawaii in the 1800s.”
O’Brien offers the adventure story as a follow-up to “The White Ships,” a coffee-table book detailing the history of the Matson line. The book was published in 2008 and received a Ka Palapala Pookela award in 2009.
O’Brien’s interest in Matson stems from childhood. His parents met on a Matson liner sailing from San Francisco to Hawaii and Australia in the 1960s.
The premiere launch of “Matson the Mouse” is scheduled for 11 a.m. Oct. 29 at the Royal Hawaiian Hotel. The hotel is assisting with the promotion to honor its historical connection to Matson because it was built by Matson Navigation in 1927.
The free event will include appearances by Matson the Mouse, a reading of the 32-page book and a performance by Kawika Alfiche, who will be accompanied by a band and hula dancers. Discounted prices for the book and Alfiche’s CD “Kale‘a” will be offered. A second book launch and musical performance is scheduled for Oct. 30 at Basically Books in Hilo.
RSVP to the book launches at on.fb.me/pIOuf4.
“Matson the Mouse” will be available at local bookstores and gift shops for $19.95 after Oct. 29; or can be ordered online at matsonthemouse.com for $25, which includes shipping.