Robert and Roland Cazimero, aka The Brothers Cazimero, will receive the David Malo Award Nov. 8 at the Hale Koa Hotel.
They’lljoin an esteemed list of previous awardees, including Mary Kawena Pukui, Duke Kahanamoku, the Rev. Abraham Akaka and Jennie K. Wilson. Since 1957 the West Honolulu Rotary Club has been handing out the Malo awardto individuals of Hawaiian ancestry whose lives and accomplishments reflect the high standards of achievement established by Malo — a historian in the kingdom of Hawaii and also a Christian minister.Reservations: Sandy at 955-3522. …

The Caz, still at Chai’s Island Bistro at Aloha Tower Marketplace, are gearing up for "A Cazimero Christmas" at 7:30 p.m. Dec. 7-8 and 2 p.m. Dec. 9 at the Hawaii Theatre. Call 525-0506. …
MORE YULE: The Makaha Sons‘ "Makaha Kalikimaka," set for Dec. 19 (yes, a Wednesday) at the Akala Ballroom of the Queen Kapiolani Hotel, will be the first major gig for Louis "Moon" Kauakahi and Jerome Koko since the unexpected death this year ofbeloved longtime member John Koko. No-host cocktails will begin at 5 p.m., a prime rib buffet dinner at 6 p.m., and show at 7:30 p.m. Tickets: $65 adults, $35 children ages 3 to 10, $90 Golden Circle seating. Reservations: 542-8289. Or, send checks payable to Makaha Sons Inc., c/o Myrna Young, P.O. Box 22720, Honolulu, HI 96823. …
ITEMIZATIONS: Diamond Head Theatre’s "Funny Girl," which closed Oct. 14, was delightfully dizzy with Izzy — Isabelle Decauwert — whose Fanny Brice portrayal was gorgeous, textured and layered with equal parts singing and laughter. Her Brice was right on, from ugly duckling strutting to be a swan, a laugh-maker hoping to be taken seriously, a nobody aching to become a somebody, an aging single yearning to be a bride.
You’re among the luckiest people in the world if you got to experience Izzy, who had to go to New York to come home a star. …
Brian Jahnke, proprietor of the Waioli Tea Room, played John the Stage Manager in "Funny Girl," and he parlayed his hospitality to the DHT cast. "This lovely and generous man treated us to a banquet and then treated us to (another) banquet and then to an award ceremony called — what else? — ‘The Fannys,’" said Shari Lynn, who played Fanny’s mom in the musical. "He included everyone involved with the show … and presented everyone with a fanny pack filled with tea. How clever is that?" …
Post "Funny Girl," Shari performed at The Plaza Club with pianist Jim Howard and bassist Bruce Hamada. …
BACKSTAGE:When Kyle Kakuno directs Disney’s "Little Mermaid Jr." for Sacred Hearts Academy at Mamiya Theatre, Roslyn Catracchia will be musical director; Lloyd Sandy Riford, lighting and set designer; and ex-Miss Hawaii Ashley Layfield, choreographer. Kiloni Ramo as Ariel headsa cast of 60, with all femalesfrom Sacred Hearts, all males coming from Saint Louis, Maryknoll, Punahou and Kaiser High. Play dates: 7:30 p.m. Nov. 9-10 and 2:30 and 7:30 p.m. Nov. 11. Call 734-5058, ext. 21. …
TALK ABOUT PEOPLE: Jason Momoa is in talks to portray a heavy in "Wolves," to be directed by screenwriter ("X-Men") David Hayter. It’ll be a 2013 release. Momoa also will be in Walter Hill‘s"Bullet in the Head," with Sylvester Stallone and Christian Slater, for release Feb. 1. …
Herb Ohta, aka Ohta-san, Hawaii’s original ukulele wizard, who went national with "Song for Anna" (sorry, Jake Shimabukuro), sends word that his one-time featured singer, Joanne Morgan, had a role in a new independent Christian film, "Unconditional,"which briefly played here. Morgan called the other day and said she’s completed other flicks but still performs occasional jazz gigs. …
And that’s "Show Biz." …
Wayne Harada is a veteran entertainment columnist; reach him at 266-0926 or; read his Show and Tell Hawaii blog at