Getting burned by solar tax credits
Some solar photovoltaic panel customers may be in for a rude shock. The state issued a notice Nov. 9 that its new temporary tax rules would go into effect for solar systems installed and ready starting Jan. 1.
The bottom line is that the amount that might be claimed in the new year under the state’s tax credit will be curtailed.
Some customers, though, will have already signed contracts for installations in the new year, thinking they would get a larger credit.
A state Department of Taxation spokeswoman said the revised rules have been in discussion for some months, and even during the past lawmaking session, it appeared that the credit’s days were numbered, though legislation to reduce it never passed.
Besides, the staffer said, the first indication of the change was posted on the agency’s website in August.
Well, who would have thought to look there?
Time is relative for Rod Tam
Rod Tam, the City Council member whose best-remembered legacy was the meals tab he ran up on the city taxpayers’ dime, is of two minds on his ethics battle, apparently.
A week ago he paid his city Ethics Commission fine, amounting to $813.53, claiming that he still didn’t consider it misconduct but merely wanted to avoid "the time, expense and inconvenience of further proceedings."
But then, in his written statement, he revealed a plan to sue the city and the commission.
That isn’t a prolonged extension of legal proceedings?
Ah, well. Perhaps he just misses the limelight.