"Councilman proposes smoking ban at 5 city beach parks," Star-Advertiser, Nov. 13:
» The problem is lazy people who don’t care what litter they drop and do not pick it up. Paper, cigarette butts, pop cans — it’s all litter and a good stiff fine might make them change. As far as banning smoking at the beach, good luck. Comming to a beach near you: the smoking police. Does that sound stupid or what?
» It’s not just about littering; it’s about second-hand smoke, too. I’m glad I can go into non-smoking restaurants, aren’t you??
» I’m not a smoker, but enough laws already! I’m calling my councilman this morning. Vote no!
"Hanalei Bay proposal opposed," Star-Advertiser, Nov. 13:
» What is wrong with this guy (Pierre Omidyar)? He doesn’t have enough money, he has to develop Hanalei? Nice legacy — just another developer?
» No more building on Kauai or neighbor islands. Period. Pierre can take his money and development elsewhere. And Kauai people, be on the lookout for suspicious people claiming to be working for the community to gauge your feelings on this development. Some of them work for the PR company hired by the developer to soothe community opposition.
"New PLDC rules, same opposition," Star-Advertiser, Nov. 14:
» If they can build without hearings and zoning variances, so can I. This law is a travesty. Repeal it. If a project cannot get through the hearings and other zoning requirements, it should not be executed.
» Not only is the Public Land Development Corp. a land giveaway, they are going to invest public funds with their new "partners." There is never any mention of what will happen when these partnerships fail and the taxpayers are left holding the bag.
» Our land use rules are so complicated that there is a need for a government agency like the PLDC which subsumes the powers of the city and the state to efficiently get things done. The Legislature is wise to do this.
» The governor, mayor and City Council are doing what the majority wants: getting more construction jobs. Too late to cry now.
"UH president sought $2M in return for resignation,"Star-Advertiser, Nov. 14:
» M.R.C. Greenwood has really set herself up. What are the chances of her being hired at any other university after her contract expires?
» Greenwood is the only one willing to call out the establishment, starting from the highest elected official in this state. If we want the truth, this is the time.
» She is competent and experienced enough in university politics to hold her own. If the Board of Regents won’t give her the power to make minor executive decisions such as this, then they need to be taught the lesson by the black eye this dispute has caused the university. They’ll have a tough time hiring her replacement.
"Navy reviews plan to base 18 Poseidon jets on Oahu," Star-Advertiser, Nov. 15:
» A wonderful decision for us in noise- plagued Kaneohe. Also, the salt wind corrodes a lot of equipment prematurely at the exposed Kaneohe marine base.
» If putting the planes in Washington state saves $300 million, put them in Washington.
"Tam told to pay for lunch tab," Star-Advertiser, Nov. 15:
» I can only imagine how much this criminal spent on our dime to feed himself and his cronies for 32 years. I hope this sends a message to other politicians thinking about spending tax dollars to treat themselves to a trip or meal.
» I think it teaches them that even if they do get caught, the fine is really pretty small.
» Hmmm. He agreed to pay the fine in order to avoid the hassle of court action but now he wants to sue?
"Ecotourism ends at Midway Atoll," Star-Advertiser, Nov. 16:
» Closing Midway off to visitor, researcher and student groups only further reduces the constituency for a marine protected area. It is also a shame that the three year-round U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service volunteer positions, filled by caring, hard-working individuals of all ages, have been cut. This will greatly affect the FWS’s ability to properly maintain its wildlife management and habitat restoration efforts.
» We, the people, own this refuge, not the technocrats who think that they do. How sad for a handful of desk jockeys to in any way limit our legitimate access.