Kamehameha doesn’t quit

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Kamehameha's Keenan Lum struck out Punahou's Jake Fujimoto in the fourth inning of Saturday's game. Kamehameha catcher Ethan Rosehill received the pitch.

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Punahou's Drew Ogomori dove towards second base in a steal attempt in the fifth inning against Kamehameha. Ogomori was safe.

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A ball hit by Punahou's Nate Higa bounced past Kamehameha's third baseman Kekai Rios in the fifth inning. Higa got a single from the play.

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Kamehameha's JC De Jesus hauled to second base and made it to third off a single hit by teammate Kekai Rios in the third inning against Punahou.

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Punahou's Chaz Shizumura slapped hands with teammate Jake Fujimoto after he was brought in on a hit by Cole Kanazawa in the first inning against Kamehameha.

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Punahou's Thomas Morris shown pitching in the first inning against Kamehameha.

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Kamehameha's Hoku Botelho was caught in a run down with Punahou's Niko Takayesu in the second inning. Botelho managed to evade Takayesu and reach second base safely.

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