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It’s a relief to many people that Kamehameha Schools has decided not to allow development “at this time” of its so-called Great Lawn in Hawaii Kai.
There aren’t many open spaces left out in that area, especially on the mauka side of Kalanianaole Highway between Kuliouou Valley and Portlock Road, and it would be a shame if that 4.5 acres of undeveloped land were to be covered over by a new Foodland store and other commercial operations, as had been proposed.
Mothers are great, but so are fathers
America’s commander-in-chief relished his other important role — that of father-in-chief — during a luncheon Friday. Being a dad is “the best job I’ve got,” Presi- dent Barack Obama said during the White House event, “and I know that all the fathers here feel the same way.”
The occasion was an informal lunch with 14 Chicago teens, and their chaperones, who participate in the “Becoming a Man — Sports Edition” program.
“Obviously, this is a great way for us to celebrate Father’s Day and just to remind ourselves, those of us who are fathers, how lucky we are,” Obama said.
So remember, even though it doesn’t get the blitz that Mother’s Day gets, Father’s Day is Sunday. Get him that snazzy aloha shirt. Treat him to a steak and beers.
Do something special for dear old Dad.