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Yasmin Dar and Sal Fasi (Photo: Courtesy Visionari)
Yasmin Dar and Sal Fasi were wed Dec. 15 in a ceremony officiated by Hakim Ouansafi at the Royal Hawaiian Hotel.
The bride is the daughter of Ather and Marivic Dar of Kaimuki. She graduated from the University of Hawaii with a bachelor’s degree in biology and a master’s degree in communication. She works as an evening news anchor for KVAL TV in Eugene, Ore.
The groom is the son of the late Mayor Frank Fasi and Joyce Fasi. He received a bachelor’s degree in social sciences from the University of California, Berkeley. He is a real estate broker and investor at NAI ChaneyBrooks.
The couple resides in Hawaii and Oregon.

Rhegan Angela Kamalani Liwanag-Luat and Kyle Kenji Wada (Photo: Courtesy Christie Pham Photography)
Rhegan Angela Kamalani Liwanag-Luat and Kyle Kenji Wada exchanged wedding vows Dec. 15 in a ceremony officiated by the Rev. Michael F. Barham at Turtle Bay Resort.
The bride is the daughter of Terri Liwanag of Kaneohe and Dennis Luat of Honolulu. She graduated from the University of Hawaii with a bachelor’s degree in communications. She is the owner of BASH Events.
The groom is the son of Robert and Sharon Wada of Kaneohe. He received an associate’s degree in nursing at Kapiolani Community College and is employed at the Hawaii State Hospital as a psychiatric technician.
The couple resides in Honolulu.
Couples married in the last year are welcome to submit a free wedding announcement to run Sundays.
Forms are available at the Honolulu Star-Advertiser at Waterfront Plaza, 500 Ala Moana Blvd., Suite 7-210, and online at
Submit a completed form along with a photocopy, PDF file or digital photo of your official marriage certificate (a clear smartphone photo is acceptable). Wedding photos are optional and will not be returned.
Email or call Nancy Arcayna at 529-4808. For a paid customized notice, call 529-4700 or email