UH needs academic, not political, leader
The presidential traits listed in the article by Sarah Zoellick not once mentioned academic qualities ("UH presidential traits listed," Star-Advertiser, July 3).
The University of Hawaii Board of Regents must select an individual who embodies the highest academic values and standards. The new president must focus on the quintessential mission of the university — to define what it means to be educated. The president’s primary task should be to provide an academic experience for students to fulfill this mission.
For example, the university should nurture certain intellectual and practical skills that are important for personal and career development. These would include critical thinking, effective communication and quantitative literacy. Students should be offered a broad education, one that opens their minds to new perspectives and horizons. The university should also prepare students to become responsible citizens in a democratic society and global citizens in an ever shrinking world.
UH deserves to have an academic leader who will uphold the core values of the university, not some political manager who will bow to the wishes of special-interest groups.
Richard Dubanoski
Close Mauna ‘Ala to further burials
I am writing to ask why the Honolulu Star-Advertiser published the commentary by Daniel Akaka, Kamaki Kanahele and Ivan M. Lui-Kwan ("Mauna ‘Ala: A proper memorial to Kawananakoa’s legacy," Star-Advertiser, Island Voices, July 1).
I am tired of hearing about Abigail Kawananakoa’s "significant" contribution to the community, and how this is a reason why she should be buried at Mauna ‘Ala. Individuals should not be considered for burial based on whether or not they have provided significant monetary contributions to the community.
This issue is not about one person’s request. It’s about preserving the sanctity of Mauna ‘Ala and closing the site to any further burials. At a recent hearing, there was expert testimony in opposition to the request and even an appeal was filed. The board ignored the testimonies and approved the request. The Star-Advertiser has not printed the position of these individuals who were not in support of the board’s decision. Why?
Jackie Hong
How to write us
The Star-Advertiser welcomes letters that are crisp and to the point (~150 words). The Star-Advertiser reserves the right to edit letters for clarity and length. Please direct comments to the issues; personal attacks will not be published. Letters must be signed and include a daytime telephone number.
Letter form: Online form, click here E-mail: letters@staradvertiser.com Fax: (808) 529-4750 Mail: Letters to the Editor, Honolulu Star-Advertiser, 7 Waterfront Plaza, 500 Ala Moana, Suite 210, Honolulu, HI 96813
Snowden’s actions damage U.S. security
Edward Snowden’s use of the adjectives "all" and "any" throughout his correspondence, when it applies to the National Security Agency activities in question, is an indication that he should not be taken seriously.
His crime is not that he has divulged any highly classified material, but due to his unwarranted self-importance, he has distorted and exaggerated what the NSA and the other intelligence entities of our government are doing. He has put our very important intelligence community on the defensive. Now the intelligence community cannot optimally accomplish its mission, which is to use its espionage tools as best it can to protect us from our enemies.
The entire intelligence-gathering process is above board. A source identifies a terrorist of interest whose telephone number is known. The NSA database is used to gather telephone-contact information (the contents of telephone calls are not available). Using a warrant-like judicial process, the NSA can request from private sources the needed information to prevent a terrorist attack.
Let’s not give Snowden any more credit than he deserves.
Peter V.Z. Cole
Homeless keep up recycling program
The mindful guest from Alaska can’t be aware of the system that takes care of itself ("Waikiki needs recycling bins," Star-Advertiser, Letters, June 26).
I take the bus, and roughly 90 percent of the time while I am waiting, there is someone — homeless or needing money — looking into the wastebasket for bottles and/or cans.
We only have to look at the recycling centers, where the tents and shopping carts are.
Once we will lock them up, we will need recycling bins. Let’s hope that this day will never come. We will all be better for it.
Hanna Heintz
Now developers are penthousing paradise
When Waikiki grew wildly in the ’50s and ’60s, we moaned: "They paved paradise and put up a parking lot."
With all the skyscrapers proposed for Kakaako and Waikiki, we’ll soon be groaning: "They’re penthousing paradise, obstructing our view, obscuring the sky, darkening paradise and heralding the gentry."
Richard Y. Will