Don’t prolong Connector agony
We’re dismayed to see Hawaii lawmakers considering bailing out the Hawaii Health Connector to the tune of $15 million a year.
Sen. David Ige, chairman of the Senate Ways and Means Committee, says he won’t be willing to hand over the money until officials in charge of the state’s health insurance exchange explain how about $100 million in federal funds have already been spent.
"At this point in time, the question is really one of accountability," said Ige, in what is clearly an understatement.
The original model for the online marketplace was fatally flawed and is financially unsustainable. Taxpayers and insurers who aren’t even selling coverage on the Connector should not be expected to pay for this mistake.
It’s much easier to donate blood
We can hear the sighs of relief from those who donate to the Blood Bank of Hawaii.
The blood bank, persuaded that its new guidelines are safe, will make it easier to donate.
Beginning April 1, restrictions will be relaxed so more people — the freshly tattooed and pierced, for example — can contribute. And the blood bank’s detailed questionnaire, with its blunt questions about your sex life, will be replaced with a simpler one.
Of course, the process has never daunted those who donate blood regularly. It was worth the effort to protect the lives and health of those who need transfusions.
We hope the changes will bring in new donors, and bring back those who have been deferred.
The need is great. Call 848-4745.