Queen’s ouster not inside job
Frank Scott does not truly identify those who he claims were responsible for what he calls the "overthrow" of our Hawaiian monarch, the lawful head of state of an internationally recognized sovereign nation ("Queen overthrown by Hawaii residents," Letters, June 30).
Those responsible were Caucasian businessmen and plantation owners. Some were Hawaiian citizens and others Scott refers to as "residents." They were not the only ones responsible for that international crime.
Scott fails to name John Stevens, whose official title was "U.S. minister to the kingdom of Hawaii." Stevens requested the landing of U.S. troops from the naval ship USS Boston to be armed with weapons of death and destruction.
No U.S. involvement? Really?
Walter Akimo
Birth control not like getting sick
I totally disagree with Hobby Lobby’s position on birth control and abortion. However, I don’t believe birth control remedies and interruption of pregnancies should be health care benefits required from an employer, by law, either.
Birth control, including abortion, is not the same as treating heart disease, cancer, pneumonia, etc. Birth control is a voluntary action, as is the event dictating the need for it, sexual intercourse.
An admittedly distant but useful analogy is that of overeating and no exercise. Nothing wrong with an occasional indulgence in calorie-rich desserts/foods, but sensible eating and exercise are the sole responsibility of each of us.
Is an employer responsible for requiring a healthy diet and exercise of its employees? A fair question that will more than likely see its way to the courts sooner or later.
I am sure no one wants employers to mandate our sexual activities, but I don’t believe paying for birth control or abortions should be a requirement for an employer either.
Geoffrey V. Davis
Don’t subsidize Chinatown rich
Everybody assumes that if you have subsidized rich people in Chinatown, they will spend their money in Chinatown. That’s quite a leap of logic.
I live in Chinatown, and I see mostly middle-class Asians, tourists, poor people and the homeless.
I don’t see any rich people spending their money here.
If you want to see rich people spending, go to Safeway, Longs, Costco, Home Depot, Best Buy and Ala Moana Center, all a short drive from Chinatown. Rich people have automobiles, which make them and their money very transportable.
Also, many of the middle-class Asians in Chinatown, shoppers as well as business owners do not live in Chinatown.
So, this theory of people living, working and shopping in the same area is a good idea, but wrong.
I don’t see the wisdom of subsidizing rich people in Chinatown when there are so many poor people who could stay out of homelessness with subsidized housing.
Richard Elstner
Sears joins firms that outsource
My husband and I purchased a Sears Kenmore refrigerator three years ago. It recently went kaput.
The Sears Kenmore brand has long been a mainstay in our families’ households due to Sears’ sustained dependability of its items and appliances. Anything purchased from Sears was like the rabbit that kept going, and going, and going.
We had no idea that Sears had outsourced to Korea to manufacture the items we loyal customers swore by. It is now the familiar story of American companies outsourcing to save money and unsuspecting devoted customers receiving defective goods. If you think I am just "sour grapes," check Sears’ website for other comments.
Kehaulani Schmidt
Drivers must be extra cautious
I’m retired and run errands daily. On two occasions recently while driving, I looked to the curb to see if someone was standing there next to the crosswalk.
On these occasions, someone was, so I stopped to allow them to cross the street. However, cars in the inner or outer lanes didn’t. So I shook my head in total bewilderment.
When are drivers going to wake up?
Carleton Akana