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» The National Merit Scholarship Corp. recently announced its final round of College-Sponsored National Merit awards. Ten Hawaii students are among the recipients.
Selection was based on academic record, including difficulty of subjects studied and grades earned; scores from two standardized tests; contributions and leadership in school and community activities; an essay; and a recommendation from a high school official.
Hawaii recipients include:
» Hawaii Baptist Academy: Elise A. Uyehara (probable career field: mechanical engineering), University of Southern California.
» ‘Iolani School: Timothy T. Leong (probable career field: business administration), University of Southern California; Alexander K. Sasaki (probable career field: medicine), Creighton University; and Sarah H. Zhang (probable career field: law), Northeastern University.
» Mid-Pacific Institute: Trace J. Sakima (probable career field: engineering), Northeastern University; and Erin Leah Carroll (probable career field: foreign service), Washington University in St. Louis.
» Seabury Hall: Michael A. Kalmeta (probable career field: epidemiology), Northeastern University; Fletcher L. Prouty (probable career field: engineering), Vanderbilt University; Carter K. Umetsu (probable career field: business management), Washington University in St. Louis; and Celina Marie Leilani Bekins (probable career field: mechanical engineering), Franklin W. Olin College of Engineering.
By the conclusion of this year’s competition, about 8,000 academic champions will have won National Merit Scholarships worth more than $35 million.