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An alcohol ban at the Kaneohe sandbar will be in effect during the three-day Labor Day holiday beginning Saturday.
State Department of Land and Natural Resources enforcement officers will patrol Heeia Kea small boat harbor and Ahu o Laka safety zone (also known as the Kaneohe Sandbar in Kaneohe Bay).
The ban runs through Monday and prohibits the possession, use or consumption of alcohol; loud, abusive or disorderly conduct; and the presence of persons under the influence of alcohol, narcotics or non-prescription drugs.
Violations of the Ahu o Laka safety zone may result in a civil penalty of not more than $1,000 or less than $50 for each violation, in addition to administrative fines, fees, costs and damages.
"The state continues to act in support of public safety and respect for Ahu o Laka as a unique natural resource and cultural area," DLNR director William J. Aila Jr., said in a release.
"We have listened to the concerns of families and responsible boaters in striking a balance that applies needed rules and enforcement" during three summer holiday weekends which, in the past, drew large crowds to the sandbar where drinking and unruly behavior caused disturbances, he said.