>> "The Cook’s Essential Kitchen Dictionary, Second Edition," by Jacques L. Rolland ($19.95, Robert Rose Inc.): More than 5,000 definitions, with multiple spellings and easy cross-referencing.
>> "Good Cheap Eats: Everyday Dinners and Fantastic Feasts for $10 or Less," by Jessica Fisher ($16.95, Harvard Common Press): Not only does Fisher provide some 200 recipes, she offers tips to reduce waste, make smart purchases and cook efficiently.
>> "More Quick-Fix Vegan," by Robin Robertson ($16.99, Andrews McMeel Publishing): Robertson eases the intimidation of going vegan with 150 recipes, tips and strategies for preparing tasty, inexpensive dishes in 30 minutes or less.
>> "Kitchen Science Lab for Kids," by Liz Heinecke ($24.99, Quarry Books): OK, this isn’t a cookbook. But it’s a great way for children to see science in action in the kitchen, 52 experiments using everything from milk to red cabbage.
>> "Little Hawaiian Korean Kitchen Cookbook," by Joan Namkoong ($7.95, Mutual): Pocket-sized version with 45 of the recipes included in Namkoong’s original book from 2013.
>> "Little Hawaiian Hurry Up & Wait Cookbook," by Betty Shimabukuro and Joleen Oshiro ($7.95, Mutual): Abbreviated, pocket-sized version of our slow cooker/pressure cooker book released last year.
Released in 2014 and featured on these food pages:
>> "An Okinawan Kitchen," by Grant Sato ($19.95, Mutual)
>> "A Portuguese Kitchen," by Wanda Adams ($19.95, Mutual)
>> "Dumplings All Day Wong," by Lee Anne Wong ($22.99, Page Street Publishing Co.)
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