1. Decorative case makes umbrella a constant delight
Little girls don’t have to sacrifice style for practicality, thanks to fancy umbrellas that, when not in use, rest in pretty kokeshi doll-style cases. The umbrellas come in a range of girly colors such as pink, lavender, fuchsia and red, each with its own special doll design. Find them for $13.99 at Marukai stores in Kalihi (845-5051) and Ward Farmers Market (593-9888).
—Joleen Oshiro
2. Illuminated collar keeps dog in sight at night
I like to walk our black Shih Tzu mix, Kiki, late at night when it’s cooler and the park is empty so I can let her off the leash. But she quickly disappears in the darkness, and there have been more than a few anxious moments when I’ve lost track of her. But not since I picked up a Casual Canine fluorescent LED collar for $24.95 at True Friends in Ala Moana Center. The adjustable collar contains a series of small LED bulbs that illuminate in three modes: solid, slow blink and fast blink. And no need worry about batteries: It’s equipped with a USB rechargeable battery pack and comes with a USB cord. It’s a kick to follow the flashing lights as she scampers around the fields. Call True Friends at 949-2664.
—Christie Wilson
3. Answers to all the stuff you’ve ever (or never) wondered about
What would happen if someone pitched a baseball at 90 percent of the speed of light? Is it possible to build a jet pack using downward-firing machine guns? How many Lego blocks would it take to build a bridge from London to New York? Randall Munroe provides serious and detailed scientific answers to these and many other "absurd hypothetical questions" in "What If?" (Houghton Mifflin Harcourt, $24). Science nerds of all ages will appreciate the dense mathematical formulas Munroe uses to support his conclusions. Everyone else will enjoy his humorous discussion of the scenarios and the numerous line drawings that illustrate them. "What If?" is fascinating reading for imaginative minds.
—John Berger
4. Simple ingredients enhance hot sauce
Brother Bru-Bru’s Original African Hot Pepper Sauce ("very hot") is one of the best hot sauces I’ve ever tasted. But the simple ingredients, such as African spices in an apple cider vinegar base, and the fact it’s gluten- and salt-free are what really make it shine. Check out www.brobrubru.com to read about the product’s medicinal qualities and the company’s philanthropic projects in Africa. A 5-ounce bottle is $7 at Kokua Market, 2643 S. King St.; call 941-1922. Milder versions are available as well.
—Krystle Marcellus
5. Cookie cutters expose a devotion to yoga
I love yoga, so I couldn’t resist these cookie cutters by The Kitchen Yogi. Use them to make tasty treats such as cookies, granola bars, pancakes or fruit in various yoga poses, from warrior to downward-facing dog. Each one comes with instructions on how to do the yoga movement and the benefits of each pose. Healthful cookie recipes are included on the packaging. The cutters are $7.50 each at Still & Moving Center, 1024 Queen St.
—Nancy Arcayna
5 Things We Love is a shortlist of newly discovered stuff you have got to see, hear, wear, use or eat. What are you loving this week? Send a brief description of your latest favorite thing, where to find it and how much it costs, along with your name and contact info, to features@staradvertiser.com.