Citizens sound off against rail

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At the town hall meeting Monday, Aiea resident Mike Uechi expressed skepticism that a 2008 referendum vote reflected popular support for the rail project. “You say that we voted on this project … (but) the people didn’t have a chance to vote on the alternative,” he said when his turn at the microphone came.

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HART CEO Dan Grabauskas, second from right, answers questions with Honolulu mayor Kirk Caldwell, right, during a town hall meeting about Honolulu's rail system put on by HART on Monday, March 29, 2015 at Washington Middle School in Honolulu. On the panel table at left, from left, is Rep. Scott Saiki, Rep. Della Au Belatti, Rep. Scott Nishimoto, Councilwoman Ann Kobayashi, and Sen. Les Ihara.

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People sign in during a town hall meeting about Honolulu's rail system put on by HART on Monday, March 29, 2015 at Washington Middle School in Honolulu.

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People applaud while reacting to testimony during a town hall meeting about Honolulu's rail system put on by HART on Monday, March 29, 2015 at Washington Middle School in Honolulu.

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Aiea resident Mike Uechi gestures while speaking to Honolulu mayor Kirk Caldwell and HART CEO Dan Grabauskas during a town hall meeting about Honolulu's rail system put on by HART on Monday, March 29, 2015 at Washington Middle School in Honolulu.

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H. Doug Matsuoka, right, gestures at the crowd while speaking to councilwoman Ann Kobayashi during a town hall meeting about Honolulu's rail system put on by HART on Monday, March 29, 2015 at Washington Middle School in Honolulu.

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People listen to Honolulu mayor Kirk Caldwell during a town hall meeting about Honolulu's rail system put on by HART on Monday, March 29, 2015 at Washington Middle School in Honolulu.

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Town hall meeting .

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