Alx Kawakami’s first single, "Fireknife!," drops Tuesday, and it certainly sounds like a contender as a summer sizzler.
Kawakami, a member of the father-and-two-sons Manoa DNA group, recently relocated to Los Angeles to pursue a solo career. (He’ll be home to join Manoa DNA in a gig Saturday at Lulu’s in Waikiki.) …
The song is frisky, infectious and joyous,with references to island ways and faves — mai tai, shave ice and more — and the concoction is underscored by pop-oriented ukulele riffs on his KoAloha instrument. It’s toe-tapping funky, not in that street-cool groove of Bruno Mars‘ "Uptown Funk" but with a similar spirit of freedom and frolic.
"The inspiration came when I was already set up in L.A. and I was sitting with my writing partner, Eric Berden, talking about what it’s like to party on the beach in Hawaii," said Kawakami. "We decided to write a song that had a ‘disco luau feel’ … fun, upbeat and would have people imagining dancing on the beach."
Kawakami met Berden, a Californian, about three years ago when Manoa DNA was working with producer Ken Caillat, who was a producer of the Grammy-winning Fleetwood Mac "Rumours" album back in the day.
Kawakami will be home shortly to do a music video at sunset for "Fireknife!" The title refers to those blazing blades in Polynesian productions as Tihati‘s. Turns out his girlfriend dances for Tihati when she’s home.
The video will be the focus of promotional efforts as he travels the continental U.S.A., Hawaii and Japan. …

WHAT’S HAPA-NING: Barry Flanagan has been the heart and foundation of Maui-based Hapa, a prolific and proficient duo that turned from haunting Hawaiiana to an eclectic fusion of folk and pop. A key factor in its evolving sounds has been Hapa’s changing musical partnerships. This year’s flavor is Kapono Na‘ili‘ili, who brings a measure of stunning Hawaiian music and a jolt of jazz to the party.
Na‘ili‘ili, who has a solo CD out titled "Ala iki," has been jamming as the Hapa newbie for a couple of months, collecting his share of hurrahs. "Sanoe" off his disc is a favorite, and he swings wide from falsetto to hula, providing versatility and variety to his pairing with Flanagan, who describes Na‘ili‘ili as a mix of first cohort Keli‘i Kaneali‘i and Kamaka Fernandez. Nathan Aweau also was a previous Hapa trouper. …
So far, no word of a new Hapa disc to formally welcome the newest member. …
TALK ABOUT PEOPLE: Aquaman is going west. According to the Hollywood Reporter, Hawaii’s Jason Momoa isin talks for a role as a heavy in MGM’s star-studded remake of"The Magnificent Seven." Already aboard: Denzel Washington, Chris Pratt, Ethan Hawke, Vincent D’Onofrio, Wagner Moura and Haley Bennett, along with director Antoine Fuqua.…
Momoa, of course, will be swimming in the planned "Aquaman" stand-alone DC movie, with his character making an appearance in "Batman v Superman." You can see him in Sundance TV’s "The Red Road" and he will be part of the montage of superheroes in "The Justice League Part One," and presumably a sequel or two. …
Mary Gutzi will shortly take on the role of Miss Andrew, the "Holy Terror" nanny, in Disney’s stage version of "Mary Poppins" at La Mirada Performing Arts Center, operated by Cathy Rigby. Before leaving for L.A., she performed with other Diamond Head Theatre alumni in an event honoring John Rampage at the Pacific Club and checked out prospects for a film feature here. …
And that’s "Show Biz." …
Wayne Harada is a veteran entertainment columnist; reach him at 266-0926 or; read his Show and Tell Hawaii blog at