Kuliouou couple cultivate yard to mitigate rockfall

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Kevin and Susan Mulkern with the brace that holds up the broken branch of the kiawe tree that slowed a boulder and saved their daughter Dorothy’s life years ago.

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Bromeliads on the Mulkern's backyard hill and garden.

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Bromeliads on the Mulkern's backyard hill and garden.

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Wedelia cover the backyard hill of the Mulkern's property.

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Banyan trees form a protective barrier from the rocks atop the backyard hill.

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Kevin and Susan Mulkern's backyard hill garden includes a variety of vegetation, including Bromeliads, a Kiawe tree, Vitex, Wedelia ground cover, cape honeysuckle, an Acerola Tree, and more.

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The Mulkern home has several multitrunked Rhapis palms and paperbark trees that provide privacy and shade.

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Red dragon orchids brighten the Mulkern garden.

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Susan Mulkern surveys the banyan trees that form a protective barrier from the rocks atop the backyard hill overlooking their tree-surrounded home.

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A vitex tree with red bromeliad fireball.

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