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It was the triple threat for any community: Water line broken. Sewer line damaged. And, possibly worst of all, a section of the main arterial road serving the coast shut down.
Despite the presence of the Waianae Coast Emergency Bypass Route, workarounds are insufficient when Farrington Highway shuts down.
Tourists on the road that day were undoubtedly appalled, but this isn’t the first time residents felt vulnerable. At best, traffic doesn’t run smoothly, say the veterans. Traffic light synchronization is not optimal.
This is all something Westside lawmakers will bring up in January, and the City Council should discuss now.
That good idea you had? Maybe you should share it
Have some ideas about how the city government could improve?
Now’s the time to weigh in, as the 2015 Honolulu Charter Commission reviews municipal operations, identifies ways Honolulu Hale may run better and puts those ideas before voters in the form of proposed City Charter amendments during the 2016 general election.
To submit proposals, testimony or comments online, go to