A vehicle struck a utility pole in Waimanalo, knocking out power to about 100 customers, a Hawaiian Electric Co. spokesman said.
Police dispatch received a call shortly before 3 p.m. Wednesday that a vehicle traveling on Kumuhau Street hit the pole.
At about 4:45 p.m., HECO spokesman Darren Pai said, “We are hoping to replace it in the next few hours.”
In order for work on the pole to be safe, the power must remain off, he said.
A witness said the pole was sheared near the base, causing the pole to lean but remain somewhat upright with the support of wires.
More time given to discuss daily visitor limits at state park
The deadline to submit comments about the master plan and draft environmental impact statement that proposes to limit the number of daily visitors to Haena State Park on Kauai has been pushed back to Oct. 8 to give the public more time to review it .
At a recent meeting in Hanalei to address the draft EIS that drew some 300 attendees, many said there was not enough time to thoroughly review the 1,000-plus-page plan and provide comments by the initial Sept. 8 deadline.
The draft EIS recommends limiting daily entry to 900 visitors at the popular park. The limit would not apply to cultural practitioners and special user groups such as halau and loi work groups. Campers and hunters with permits would also be excluded from the count.
During summer months, the state park, which includes Kee Beach, Na Pali Coast Wilderness Park and the Kalalau Trail trailhead, has up to 2,000 daily visitors.
Charging separate fees for entry and parking is also proposed.
In addition, the draft calls for construction of a welcome center near Kee Beach, which would serve as a site for managing park access and housing educational materials.
The draft EIS is available on the Parks Division website at dlnr.hawaii.gov/dsp/announcements.
Comments may be sent to Lauren Tanaka, Division of State Parks, 1151 Punchbowl St., Room 310, Honolulu, HI 96813 or e-mail Lauren.A.Tanaka@hawaii.gov or to Kimi Yuen, PBR Hawaii, 1001 Bishop St., Suite 650, Honolulu, HI 96813 or email kyuen@pbrhawaii.com.