Honolulu Star-Advertiser

Friday, July 26, 2024 84° Today's Paper

Democratic voting was very amateurish

It was like voting for a candidate for homeroom president.

My wife and I arrived at a jam-packed Manoa Elementary School cafeteria to a scene of chaos.

Who was in charge?

No directions.

So we asked some people who were milling about, including Mayor Kirk Caldwell.

“Report to the table with other Precinct 2 people!”

There we found a much-harassed lady with a list. Our names were supposed to be there, but weren’t. No matter. We could write our names on a piece of paper that someone was circulating, like one of those sign-up sheets for a potluck.

Then we located a young man who tore off two ballots from a pad. We selected our candidate. The ballot box? A friendly older lady took our votes somewhere. That’s the last we saw of them.

There must be a better way to nominate the leader of the free world.

C. Richard Fassler


Superdelegates can negate popular vote

U.S. Sen. Bernie Sanders will receive about 17 of the 25 Hawaii Democratic Party convention delegates, which is the approximately correct percentage based on his 70 percent to 30 percent vote margin in votes cast Saturday in Hawaii (“Feelin’ the Bern,” Star-Advertiser, March 27).

That sounds OK, until you find that another nine superdelegates, most of whom are Hawaii politicians beholden to the conservative Democratic establishment and Hillary Clinton, except for the one courageous exception, U.S. Rep. Tulsi Gabbard, who supports U.S. Sen. Bernie Sanders.

This will result in, probably, a margin of only 18 to 17 delegates for Sanders despite his overwhelming preference among the voters. This is democracy?

Bob Meyer

Poipu, Kauai

Isle theater groups need more positivity

I am concerned about the way some local theater productions may be suffering from some negative reviews in the Star-Advertiser’s entertainment coverage.

Since I have had the opportunity to attend many stage productions, both here and during my time living on the mainland, I feel bound to comment on what I have been seeing in your reviews.

For those of us who need these local productions as an entertainment outlet, we worry that poor ticket sales can be disastrous for companies doing the best they can with limited resources.

My experience lately has been that, despite these reviews, the audiences, including myself, have enjoyed the shows very much. Let the public that is hungry for entertainment decide.

I am quite sure that the performers and technical staff want to put out their best efforts.

Entertainment from a hand-held device cannot come close to a real live stage performance.

Patrick “pj” Silva


‘Case for Easter’ arises in Bible often

With regard to Robert J. Hutchinson’s article, one has to take into account the entire Bible — Old Testament and New (“The case for Easter,” Star-Advertiser, March 27).

There are more than 100 prophecies in the Old Testament that foretold Jesus’ suffering, death and resurrection that were fulfilled with Jesus’ death — not just the 3,100 or so words in the New Testament cited by Hutchinson. Taken together, the evidence is irrefutable that Jesus died and was resurrected.

Christians observe Easter because they have asked the question — what does Jesus’ resurrection mean for me — and they celebrate Easter because they have found the answer.

Kathy Novak

Moanalua Valley

Global warming has few overall solutions

The Star-Advertiser headlines an article on carbon emissions by human activity, repeating our self-flagellation over the use of oil, gas and coal (“Humans leaving a big, hot mark,” Star-Advertiser, March 25).

The article cites a study by professor Richard Zeebe of the University of Hawaii and his co-authors, which concludes that humans are releasing carbon into the atmosphere about 10 times faster than during any time in the past 66 million years.

OK, so we’re contributing to global warming. What’s the solution?

The numerous studies are short on solutions.

In this energy-intensive developed world, how do we make our electricity, and what do I put in my gas tank?

There are numerous partial solutions out there, but few overall, full-time, 24/7 solutions.

Jack Roney


Cataluna took wrong approach with Kenoi

Lee Cataluna’s groupie-like tribute to career politician hopeful Billy Kenoi left me amazed — but not in a good way (“Kenoi’s scrappy nature has been key to his success,” Star-Advertiser, March 25).

She amazingly did not mention his romps at hostess bars like Club Evergreen, or the fact that his careless personal and financial actions while employed as Hawaii County mayor hurt and embarrassed his community and his state.

Rather than saying about Kenoi, “Don’t count him out,” it would have been more helpful if Cataluna encouraged Kenoi to seek possible substance abuse or mental health assessments for his “epic” behavior.

For now, I am counting Kenoi out for any future state office positions.

Nancy Manali-Leonardo


40 responses to “Democratic voting was very amateurish”

  1. PMINZ says:

    IRT Jack Roney : To stop the majority of Carbon releasing, solution: All Earth’s Creatures must Stop Breathing!(OUT)

    • Boots says:

      Actually a number of things can be done. 1. By more fuel efficient cars or better yet take public transportation. 2. Eat less meat and more vegetables. 3, Legalize hemp and marijuana without restriction.

      • MoiLee says:

        You mean? EAT Less RED Meat! Poultry and Fish are just FINE!

        • MANDA says:

          Poultry is no better than red meat for the environment. And fishing is depleting the oceans.

        • Boots says:

          I think sadly that Manda is right.

        • MoiLee says:

          I’m still scratching my head Manda. “Poultry is no better for the environment”? or People?? Poultry if FINE! And Fishing is depleting the oceans!!

          Look at it this way.”Environment”_Poultry provides an excellent Organic fertilizer for your fruits and vegetables.It actually helps the environment! and I have never head of fishing are responsible for depleting the Oceans.Last i checked ,Ocean Levels were RISING!!Maybe Over….oh never mind the main thing Boots understood what you were saying LOL

    • Larry01 says:

      The funny thing is this guy says, “There are numerous partial solutions out there, but few overall, full-time, 24/7 solutions.”

      Right! They all have to be a part of the whole solution. If he’s complaining there’s no one thing that’s going to magically solve the whole problem, he’s just making an argument for failure. So what, we should just keep doing what we’re doing and doom the planet and ourselves? Terrible, terrible, attitude this guy has!

  2. reamesr1 says:

    Mr. Fassler until the State flat tires get off their backside you will continue with theses problems. Mail in voting gets ride of the precinct and all of the problems that go with it. TOO BAD

    • Boots says:

      First of all this was a party function, not a state function. Problem was strictly due to the fact that the democratic party has an exciting candidate. Really doesn’t happen that often but it might from now on.

      For all the complainers out there, I suggest you get involved in the party and see if you can do better.. Next time this may happen is in 4 years.

      • Keolu says:

        What exciting candidate? Bernie or Shillary? That’s the lesser of two evils.

        • cwo4usn says:

          My thoughts exactly Keolu. But you know Boots.

        • Boots says:

          A lot of people turned out for Bernie. Shame you don’t listen to his speeches. If you did you might feel the Bern. lol

        • readthefineprint says:

          Because socialism has always turned out so well in the past…

        • Larry01 says:

          readthefineprint – Not socialism as in the USSR and East Germany, but the kind in many WESTERN European countries? Yes, it’s turned out very well. You should go visit or read up on the quality of life in those places.

  3. allie says:

    Agree that the Democratic Party primary was a total flop. But then again, the party has become a total flop in recent years.

    • Boots says:

      Actually it wasn’t a flop. I know my district and precincts are now fully staffed, by mostly new young people by the way who appear to be willing to get involved. Perhaps some day you will move to Arizona and have fun with their election. Being a woman of color, you will have no problem. 🙂

      • Keolu says:

        Agree with Allie. Democrats are a flop at best.

        • cwo4usn says:

          I agree with Allie. Boots, maybe some day your thought processes will improve.

        • Boots says:

          Well we shall see come November who is the flop. Care to place a wager Keolu or CWO?

          But you two keep pushing for inequality for all. We need another major recession. Time to drive the stock market down to under 7000.

        • MoiLee says:

          Maybe ? The Democrats should have had the Republicans run their precincts. HAAAAAAA!
          IMHO they ran a pretty good election! Democrats are Low Information…. AMATURES!
          Why you say? because they were clueless when their polls was supposed to close!! What was her name the Democrat election officer?? Must be a recruit of Scot Nago!

          Who does stuff like this!! The Conservatives gotta show them everything!

        • Keolu says:

          Boots, are you being obtuse or do you not know how the stock market works? I made a small fortune because the stock market went below 7000. Stock market corrections are necessary and can be lucrative opportunities for investors.

          The only reason the stocks are floated now is because your money earns next to nothing in the bank.

        • Boots says:

          Keolu, I do know how the stock market works and I know that when democrats are in control, it does better than when republicans are in control. I know this is hard to accept but there are reason for this to be the case.

        • sarge22 says:

          “The powers that be” will keep the market up until after Obama is gone. His so called legacy is dependent on it. Yellen blabbering today boosted the market. Same old story. The economy sucks but that’s good news because rates won’t go up. Gold looking good.

        • Keolu says:

          Boots, you apparently don’t know how the stock market works. I wish the DOW was at 7000 again today. The opportunity to ride the wave up to 17,000 was a nice ride that I would like to take again.

          The stocks are floated by the near zero interest rates and because the FED keeps printing more money. It’s certainly not because of any notable actions taken by president O’Blunder.

    • inlanikai says:

      The Republicans had neither the confusion at their primary polling places nor the Super delegates to skew the results that the Dems do.

  4. soundofreason says:

    “My wife and I arrived at a jam-packed Manoa Elementary School cafeteria to a scene of chaos.

    Who was in charge?

    No directions.”>>> Well, yeah. It was a Democrat function.

  5. fstop says:

    “This will result in, probably, a margin of only 18 to 17 delegates for Sanders despite his overwhelming preference among the voters. This is democracy?” If you want democracy, join the Republican party…their super delegates MUST reflect the popular vote.

  6. NanakuliBoss says:

    Most old snowbirds live in Waikiki. Come flying in like the Zoo pigeons, make kukai, then fly back.

  7. tranquilseas4ever says:

    Strongly Agree with Mr. Patrick “pj” Silva about the need for more Positive reviews in the Star Advertiser for Hawaii’s drama productions (plays, musicals). “Genuine, ‘critical’ reviews” incorporate BOTH well-deserved Praise as well as Objective, Reasonable Critique. There needs to be a Balance! Going heavy-handed on the Negativism amounts to a Know-It-All Bashing which will squelch the desire of other wonderful theater productions from wanting to perform in Hawaii! Someone who actually ENJOYS these Theater productions — as opposed to somebody who HAS TO attend because it’s his job — & Someone who can appreciate the actors’ efforts; the finer nuances in each drama; & the unique challenges/limitations actors & crew face in bringing quality stage productions (plays, musicals) to Hawaii; Someone like THIS ought to be the writer of these Star-Advertiser reviews! OR…since these “reviews” seem to do more Damage than Good…maybe SCRAP them altogether; and instead; just print a descriptive photo/picture advertisement for that particular Stage Production along with comments from Play Aficionados who have gone to see it! THIS would paint a much more accurate picture of what that particular Stage Production is REALLY like!

  8. Winston says:

    So interesting that the SA has failed to report that Hillary and her senior aides will be interviewed by the FBI in the coming weeks.

    For you progressives out there, an FBI “interview” is a little different from sitting down with the sycophantic press for a few softball questions. It’s more like waterboarding without the water, the threat of perjury charges and a criminal indictment substituting for the H20.

    Fun times! The Clinton campaign looks more and more like the movie, A Weekend At Bernies, with the unelected super delegates holding up the corpse.

    • allie says:

      Not likely that any crime was committed and certainly no damage to US security was involved. The real question about Hillary is her penchant for attracting Neo-con detritus around her.

      • sarge22 says:

        Very likely she’s guilty and being protected by Obama’s DOJ. If she goes down he will too. Bye bye Hillary.

      • koleanui says:

        You are just a Hillary sycophant. The only people saying there was no crime is the Hillary camp and the head of the party. True legal experts have pointed out a long list of crimes and yet to be reviewed crimes( those involved with the Clinton Foundation and her ties during her term in the State Dpt.= since she accepted money for favors from foreign powers that is tantamount to Treason, for example.

  9. wiliki says:

    Free preschool education for needy kids

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