Given a most historic election, with the whole world on edge during election night in November, I simply must say that I can’t wait for the Trump presidency to right what’s gone wrong in America. Having jobs go overseas to China and Mexico while our workers are put out of work is simply unconscionable. Besides, it’s time to tell China that it can’t take the U.S. for granted, even though it was the U.S. that bolstered China’s economic growth — something it has forgotten.
What use is it to give trade concessions to other countries when other countries don’t give the same concessions to the U.S.? Some countries want a one-way trade relationship, and that is simply unfair, while they keep stealing U.S. intellectual property. Imbalanced trade must be brought to a halt.
Big Pharma has been sucking our life away through high medicine costs and attempts at outlawing your vitamins and mineral supplements off the counter. Such prehensile practices have to stop in the interests of public health. All the while medical insurance costs have skyrocketed for the previously insured. There is no doubt that Obamacare has to be replaced by a more inclusive system, unless you don’t mind going home poor every evening.
Allowing illegal immigrants in the U.S. is an outright violation of the law — that’s why those immigrants are called “illegal.” That’s why the wall is important. If it is OK to make the illegal, legal, then you might as well go back to the days of the Wild West and forget about America.
Because the U.S. has tough laws against criminality, any scientist or denominated religion will teach you that life is formed at conception, which makes abortion murder — and that, too, of the most defenseless of all. Such a heinous crime has no place among the legal activities of citizens in a morally upright nation.
It is obvious that ISIS needs to be eliminated, as do al-Qaida, Lashkar el-Toiba, and many other such terrorist groups. A Trump presidency will do what the Obama presidency failed to do. A strong response in the region from Afghanistan to the Mediterranean is necessary for this, since dialogue doesn’t appear to work in those parts. And, it makes sense that to stop radical jihad, a pause must be made in allowing Muslims from dangerous countries to enter the U.S. until we can figure out what’s going on. Or, do you want your neighborhood bombed next?
And, why should the U.S. continue being the police force for the world without being compensated for it? In this regard, the NATO countries do not pay the U.S. their fair share, expecting Uncle Sam — and you, the citizens of America — to pay tax for their benefit. Such ridiculous practices must be turned around, or else the USA is simply going to pile up debt after debt.
And, the United Nations is another story of corrupt bureaucrats from the government of crooked countries running the show there that Donald Trump has promised to straighten. All the while, rulings of the International Court of Justice need to be implemented, where they sometimes aren’t.
I can’t wait to seeing the wrongs righted; I can’t wait to see the countries that exploit and take advantage of America be reined in; I can’t wait to see moral principles implemented once again for abortion, illegal immigration, international trade, and medicine for U.S. citizens and legal residents.
Trump is about what’s good for America; he’s not about race, religion, ethnic origin or women, except respect for all. It’s time to get our country back — it’s time to put America first and make America truly great again.
Amarjit Singh is professor of civil and environmental engineering at the University of Hawaii-Manoa. The thoughts expressed here are his own.