K-drama star Hyun Bin (“Secret Garden,” “My Name is Kim Sam Soon” and “The Fatal Encounter”) is in the latest action-packed film, “Confidential Assignment,” released Friday at Consolidated Pearlridge West theater. Directed by Sung Hoon Kim and produced by Je-kyoon Yoon, the film, which follows covert operations in North and South Korea, is filled with realistic action scenes and humor. Here is the synopsis provided by CJ America:
North Korean detective Cheol-ryung (Bin) lost his wife and unit when his superior Captain Cha (Kim Joo-hyuck) betrayed him to steal engraving plates that print counterfeit U.S. bills. He joins a delegation to South Korea after learning that Cha has defected there. South Korean detective Kang (Yoo Hai-jin) is assigned to the covert joint investigation to find Cha, but he’s only told that Cha is a murderer and nothing more. The South Korean Intelligence Agency believes there is an ulterior motive behind finding Cha and asks Kang to interfere with the investigation until they can find out what’s really going on.
“Perfect Bride” (Episodes 29 and 30)
>> Today, 6:30 p.m.: Nae-shim goes to Joong-nyun and they have a heart-to-heart talk. Joong-nyun sympathizes with Nae-shim. Gab-dol is frustrated that Gab-soon will not see things his way. He goes over to talk to her in person and sees her with Ha-soo.
>> Today, 7:45 p.m.: Geum-shik runs into Jae-soon at his rooftop home. He starts on the divorce papers, although he desperately wants to hold her back. Shi-nae is outraged to know her father invested in Da-hae’s restaurant, accusing Ki-ja of conning her father.
“Innocent Defendant” (Episodes 2 and 3)
>> Monday, 7:45 p.m.: Jung-woo gets suspicious of Min-ho’s apparent death and asks the authorities to verify the facts. Min-ho anxiously awaits the results, fearful that his true identity will be revealed. Joon-hyuk is assigned to Jung-woo’s family’s murder case. He faces Jung-woo as a suspect in the case.
>> Tuesday, 7:45 p.m.: Eun-hye is left in deep thought, as she reviews the crime scene footage with Jung-woo in it. She rushes over to see Joon-hyuk. Eun-hye persuades Jung-woo to go to trial. As Jung-woo returns from meeting Eun-hye, he gets nervous as he approaches a security checkpoint.
“Saimdang, Memoir of Colors” (Episodes 3 and 4)
>> Wednesday, 7:45 p.m.: Yi Gyum and Saimdang promise to go to Mount Geumgang together. Yi Gyum seeks Saimdang’s father’s approval of his marriage to Saimdang. The king, curious of the lady who’s stolen Yi Gyum’s heart, heads to Bookpyung to sneak a glance.
>> Thursday, 7:45 p.m.: After hiding the letter sent by Saimdang to Yi Gyum, Hwium-dang shows up to the meeting place instead, and goes to Unpyong Temple with Saimdang. Enraged at Saimdang’s painting, Prime Minister kills the girl who holds the painting.
“Happy Home” (Episode 32 and 33)
>> Friday, 7:45 p.m.: Hyun-ki is taken to the hospital unconscious. Ji-gun finds out Hyun-ki is ill. Ji-gun urges Hyun-ki to set a surgery date. Sam-bong prepares a birthday feast for Sook-nyo.
>> Saturday, 7:45 p.m.: Hyun-ki comes to Sook-nyo’s birthday only to be chased away by Sam-bong. Hae-ryung tells him never to come around again. Hyun-ki begs Ji-gun to let him stay by Hae-ryung’s side for what time he has left.
Jeff Chung is general manager of KBFD-TV, which televises Korean dramas with English subtitles. Reach him at 521-8066 or jeffchung@kbfd.com.