The Honolulu Police Commission Chairman Max Sword, left, with acting HPD Chief Cary Okimoto at last month’s meeting. Open to the public, commission meetings are held 2 p.m. on the first and third Wednesday of each month at HPD headquarters.
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It’s good to see the Honolulu Police Commission taking brisk strides to consider a framework that should improve public confidence in the police department. It was just in November that Oahu voters gave the commission the power to subpoena witnesses and documents when investigating public allegations of wrongdoing by police officers. Commissioners have started discussing procedures on how to issue prospective subpoenas, and how items get placed on the agenda for meetings.
Open to the public, commission meetings are held 2 p.m. on the first and third Wednesday of each month at HPD headquarters, 801 S. Beretania St., conference room A.
BYUH Seasiders to court more students off-court
Being able to root for the home team can be a big part of an educational environment. But for colleges, juggling academics and athletics is not as easy as it looks, when prioritizing the operational money pool.
So it was bittersweet Monday night, when Brigham Young University-Hawaii played its final men’s and women’s basketball games. The farewell hoops spelled the beginning of the end for BYUH Seasiders sports, which will start winding down over the next three years till even the remaining tennis, softball and golf are gone. BYU’s leaders say more resources will be going toward building student enrollment.