Christian Mikaele:
He pleaded not guilty to attempted murder of his child
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A 38-year-old man pleaded not guilty Thursday at Circuit Court to attempted murder involving his 16-month-old daughter, who suffered life-threatening injuries.
Christian Mikaele appeared before Judge Colette Garibaldi via closed-circuit video link from the Oahu Community Correctional Center after an Oahu grand jury returned an indictment last week charging him with second-degree attempted murder.
During his arraignment a deputy public defender pleaded not guilty on Mikaele’s behalf. Garibaldi confirmed his bail at $500,000 and set his trial for March.
Shortly after midnight Jan. 11, police responded to a dropped emergency call at a Halona Road residence in Waianae.
According to court documents, the girl had bruising at the top of her head and was transported in critical condition to The Queen’s Medical Center-West Oahu.
Racing car critically injures bicyclist
The driver of a car reportedly racing on Tantalus Drive struck and critically injured a 33-year-old female bicyclist Thursday.
Emergency Medical Services paramedics treated the woman and transported her in critical condition to a hospital.
Police said cars were racing when one car hit the woman. Police dispatch was called at about 5:32 p.m.
Police arrested a man in his 20s for investigation of negligent injury.