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The Hawaii water commission has ordered the full restoration of flows to 10 Maui streams and ordered no or limited diversions for seven streams to restore habitats.
The Maui News reported the decision Wednesday by the state Commission on Water Resource Management concluded a nearly two-decade battle over east Maui water rights that pitted Native Hawaiian taro farmers and practitioners against landowner Alexander & Baldwin Inc.
A group of taro farmers, fishermen, hunters and traditional practitioners had filed a petition to amend the flow standards of more than two dozen streams that A&B has historically diverted for its sugar cane fields. The group claimed diverting water harmed stream life, taro farming and other Native Hawaiian practices.
An A&B spokesman said the company is reviewing the decision.
Break-in, vandalism close Kapaa public pool
The Kapaa pool was closed on Thursday due to a break-in and vandalism overnight Wednesday.
Feces was smeared on the pool’s bottom and park officials discovered it Thursday morning, Department of Parks and Recreation officials said in a news release.
The pool is expected to reopen today.
Police were notified and a police report was filed.
All swim classes and afternoon aqua Zumba classes were canceled.